Chapter three: Perv

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        You immediately back away from his grip and say "Look perv, you may have helped me, and are somewhat attractive,  but I am not interested in having anything sex related with you! You aren't my type and I don't even know your name for fuck sakes!" You ranted.  

The guy just pokes his left cheek with his tongue looking irritated as fuck, which you gotta admit was pretty sexy.  "Okay, the name is Jungkook and I am extremely annoyed by what you fucking said!" Jungkook ranted back while slowly approaching you making your back hit the cold ass wall 


Jungkook's POV

"What the actual fuck? This bitch makes me want to strangle her while eating her flesh! Idk what the hell is wrong with me but she keeps tempting me, and making me want to keep trying even if I have to use my goddamn powers!!!" I thought 

        Staring right into her eyes as I search for her soul I try to read her mind.  "Okay what the hell are you doing? Are we having a staring contest?" she asked confusingly.  

"FUCK! why isn't it working!"  I said to myself.  Without thinking twice I start to use all my focus and control into doing whatever I wanted, but then again it doesn't work...


Back to Narrative POV

        Jungkook continues to look in your eyes which starts to creep you out, but at the same time draw you into his hazel brown orbs.  "Look Jungkook.  I'm sorry that I offended you but I really don't have time nor the patience for this," you said trying to sound sincere.  The guy didn't say anything and just continued to stare at you blankly, which you took as a signal to go leave him be.  You walk back to where your stool was and downed four more shots of tequila.  

"Ring-Ring"  You hear your phone ring. 


"Ms.Y/N I'm coming in to pick you up!" Jimin announced.

"Ha ha Jimin-shiiiiii you don't have tooooooo, I'llll wallllk out," you slurred.  Before Jimin could even answer you already hung up and danced your way outside the bar.  

"Okay Y/N I may have not gotten you today but I will soon, and when I do I will make sure to--" Jungkook's thoughts were interrupted as his brother called him.  

"Jungkook! What the hell? Why are your eyes so red? Who made you this angry?" Junggeuk asked his brother who was still standing there looking like a lost child.


        The sound of your alarm rings through your ears as if you were stuck in between gioan church bells.  Your headache slowly starts to grow as you opened your eyes. You sit down and your pounding brain, is already unbearable.  "Fuck!" You cursed yourself, "Why the hell did I drink so much!"  You scolded yourself.  

"Knock-knock," you heard.  

"Who the hell is it?!" You yelled louder than usual.  

"Ms. Y/N I came in to bring your medicine for your hangover so I suggest you lose the attitude towards your ONLY friend and drink this!" Jimin sassily lectured you.  You were about to fight back nut you hangover didn't allow you to do so.  Instead you hold back any of your rude remarks and take the strangely red, thick liquid, that oddly tastes like metal.  The taste doesn't bother you anymore like it used to the first time you drank it.  

"Jimin. remind me again what I just drank," you asked curiously.  

"Ms. Y/N in simple terms non deadly chemicals that cure your hangover, but if you wanna know the whole science behind it.  I will gladly do so." He informed.  

        You roll your eyes as a response, "Since when did my one and only friend  become a chemist?" 

 "Alright enough little miss attitude! You have a very important meeting today and your father wants you there early today, so chop-chop and hurry!" He demanded.  

        You nod your head and get up to get ready.  "Alright mom let's go

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