Chapter Three: Meeting Astrid

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{originally posted October 17, 2014}

Your P.O.V

Toothless lands in the middle of the village of Berk. Immediately all eyes are on us. I step off of Toothless and look to the ground towards my worn off shoes. I feel my cheeks becoming red and warm. Hiccup stands next to me and now I see how tall he actually is. compared to me. He is around 5'6, while I'm a great 5'2 tall (or short, whatever). Great, this makes me feel even smaller then I already am. A blonde girl runs towards us. Her hair shines in the sun, and she has a pretty smile. She is pretty in general, and I blush. She wraps both arms around Hiccup and kisses him full on the mouth. My blush must have disappeared because I feel a chill running through my veins. I look to the sky, trying to look anywhere but at them. Why does it hurt when I see him with her?

"(Name) This is Astrid, Astrid this is (Name)." Hiccup says. Astrid looks at me and smiles. She shakes me hand. Her hand is warm and skinny. It warms up my cold ones.

"Welcome to Berk." She has this look in her eyes that make me feel somewhat uncomfortable, but also safe. She looks a bit annoyed by my silence. Before I have a chance to say something she interrupts me.

"Hiccup can I talk to you?" Astrid asks and before Hiccup can answer her questions, Astrid grabs his arm and takes him with her. Now I feel stupid. I stand alone in this big open place. I look towards Toothless, silently giving him a sign that I want to leave this place. This was a huge mistake.
I think he gets my hint, because he suddenly starts roaring and running after the small crowd that had formed, playing with the people. I double check if the coast is clear, and slowly walk behind the houses. Once I'm out of sight I run towards an alleyway behind the set of houses. I look around me, searching for a place to change without being noticed. I take a few steps towards a small bush, which leads to a small forest. When I'm absolutely certain no one sees me, I run. Once I'm in the forest, I change and make sure I get far away from here.

Hiccup's P.O.V

I walk with Astrid into my house. When the door is shut, Astrid begins to yell.

"Where did you find her? Don't you like me anymore?" Her face turns slightly red. I chuckle.

"Come on Astrid, you know I love you." I say. How could she ever think I don't love her?

"But I saw the way you looked at her Hiccup! And she's so pretty too.." Astrid says, tears forming in her eyes.

"How then? And have you ever looked in the mirror Astrid? You're gorgeous." I ask, getting upset too.

"With love." Astrid says softly, ignoring my comment. I raise my brow.

"Astrid don't be ridiculous. Besides how would you know for sure?" I ask. Astrid looks down.

"Because you used to look at me like that." She says and she sighs. She looks up to me, her eyes glazed over.

"I don't love her Astrid, I love you. Besides I met her today." I say. ''I can't fall in love that quickly, you must know that.'' I say with a hint of annoyance. 

"That doesn't matter I can see it! I know you love her!"

"Well if you're so certain then I think you should leave! You're delusional!" I gasp, shocked by my own words. Astrid looks shocked too. But her shock quickly changes to anger and I see tears glistering in her eyes, reflecting the red light of the open fire. 

"Fine!" Astrid yells and she stomps out of the house. I brush my hand through my hair. What have I done? Couldn't I be more subtle? I groan and kick the table, my peg leg falling to the ground with a bang. I groan and let myself drop to the floor, trying to re-attach it to my leg.  Why would she even think like that? Do I really look at (Name) that way? I fix my coat and walk outside, ready to find (Name), and to tell her that I'll help her to get her settled down here. But when I get outside, I can't seem to find her. Toothless comes running towards me, a ball in his mouth.

"What is it buddy?" I ask, stroking his head. He groans at me and drops the ball from his mouth.

"Where is (Name)?" Toothless gives me a stubborn look and he sits down on his behind.

"Where did she go?" I ask Toothless again. He looks away from me. But I know he knows where (Name) is.

"If you tell me I'll give you a double portion of your food for the next week. Still no response.

"The next month." He looks at me with one eye, but still he's not giving in.

"Fine! Next year! Please Toothless!" Toothless 'smiles' and shakes his tail. I jump on his back and pet him.

"We need to find her buds."

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