Eight: Afraid to say something

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Your P.O.V

We arrive at the giant Ice mountain. What are we doing here? We fly into a dark cave and the coolness takes over. The dragon drops, yes just let go, of me and I fall down. I quickly recover and land smoothly. Toothless on the other hand, crashes down. 

"Toothless! Its okay." Hiccup says and he runs towards him and gives him a hug. He looked over to me and smiles. I smile back. I need a hug too, my eyes scream, but Hiccup turns around. Toothless is still cuddling against Hiccup. Suddenly, one the dragons lights up their mouth, causing the cave to light up. I look in the middle and see the person with the mask again. I growl and stepped back, a weird feeling in my stomach. The person slowly steps towards us. Hiccup stands in front of us. Toothless growls and takes a step foreward. The person made a movement with her hands and Toothless falls on the ground. What is happening? Hiccup steps back when the person reaches out its hand to touch him. When the hand is near his face, I hear a gasp coming from behind the mask

"Hiccup?" It is a woman's voice. Hiccup makes a, rather funny, sound. The person removes the mask, revealing a beautiful woman underneath.

"Could it be? After al those years, it is possible?" The woman asks. She stands a little taller, but her face still shows confusion and somewhere also happiness. 

"Uh, should I-should I know you?" Hiccup asks with a shaking voice. The woman looks down, hurt. 

"No. You where only a baby. But a mother, never forgets." She says. I gasp, like a human- like gasp, and step back. She is his mother! Hiccup looks confused.

"Come." She says and she walks away. He looks at me, somewhere asking for permission. Toothless awoke and stands straight, looking around. Adorable.

"Wait!" Hiccup yells.

"This way!" The woman says. We follow her through the dark.

"Wai-hold-wait just a minute!" Hiccup says, and he hurries after her. The woman laughs and only repeats to follow her.

"You can't just say something like that, and run off! You-you're my mother?"

The woman ignores him and keeps walking. I chuckle lightly, Hiccup found his mother.

"Wait! I have questions!" Hiccup yells, and he almost trips.

"Come quickly!" The woman says and she walks up a small hill. Hiccup tries to climb it too, but he fails miserably, almost falling down a couple of times. Toothless and I grin and decide to help him.

"Where have you been all this time? What have you been doing? They think you are dead. Every one thinks you're d-" His words fail as we enter a beautiful realm. Dragons everywhere. I follow Toothless, who follows Hiccup. I looked everywhere. This is amazing! Hiccup stops and looks at his mother. She looks to the ground, slightly afraid to say something to the son she missed for so many years. 

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