Twelf: For the Dancing and the Dreaming

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Listen to the song on the side. It helps and I love it! Last update was 2015, it's now 2023... For anyone reading this now, how are you, really? I feel like this book is a huge time capsule. I changed a few things, not everything is exactly as it was in the movie.

Your POV

The vibe is immaculate. Everyone is laughing and it's like we're all one big familly. I sit next to Toothless, my head resting on my paws, watching everyone enjoying their time.

"Will she move back in? And all of her dragons too! Everything will be okay!" Hiccup says smiling. Astrid wraps an arm around him. She walked in right after Stoic did, joining the group yet again.  I chuckle lightly feeling comfertable in the happiness I feel around me.

"Slow down son, there is a lot to take in." Stoick says. Valka stands by the rocks, where water trickles down. She looks down just as Stoick moves foreword and starts whisteling a tune.

"Oh I love this one." The blonde man, apparently named Gobber, says.

Stoick continues whistling an he walkes towards Valka . He takes the water carafe and places it down with a soft 'clunk' sound.

"Remember the song now?" He whisperes. Valka still lookes down. She looks like she's trying not to smile.

"I'll swim and sail on savage seas

With ne'er a fear of drowning

And gladly ride the waves of life

If you will marry me

No scorching sun

Nor freezing cold


Stoick is cut off by Gobber: "Wil stop me on my jour-ney! S-sorry." He says and he sits down again, cheeks red. I chuckle.

Stoick sighs and continues. This is their song.

"If you will promise me your heart

And love..." He sighs as he is met with silence, and looks down.

"And love me for eternity,

My dearest one my darling dear

Your mighty words astound me

But I've no need of mighty deeds

When I feel your arms around me" Valka sings with a bright smile on her face.

They start dancing and laughing. I smiled at Hiccup, who looks up, smiling to his parents.

"But I would bring you rings of gold

I'd even sing you poetry (Valka: Oh, would you?)

And I would keep you from all harm

If you would stay beside me" Stoick sang.

"I have no use for rings of gold

I care not for your poetry

I only want your hand to hold,"

"I only want you near me"

"To love to kiss to sweetly hold

For the dancing and the dreaming"

Gobber began dancing and picks up Hiccup to dance with him. Astrid laughs and claps a beat, and I myself can't help but laugh in my mind.
Astrid stands up and slowly takes a leave, letting the familly have their time.

"Through all life's sorrows and delights

I'll keep your laugh inside me

I'll swim and sail on savage seas

With ne'er a fear of drowning

And gladly ride the waves of life

If you will marry me" They sang both.

Toothless coveres his ears, because Gobber is still singing. I squint my eyes, bocking the harsh sound of his voice.

"Me-eee-ee, I'm still goingggg. I'm done." Gobber says. I laugh and smile when he stops the song. They hug each other ever so tightly and smile.

"There wasn't a day, without me doing this song." Stoick says, trying to swallow the lump in his troat.

"No need for that my dear." Valka says chuckling.

"But for you, do you want to come home, will you be my wife once again?" Stoick asks, sitting on one knee. I lift my head from my paws, waiting eagerly for the respondse.

Hiccups eye widen, and his mouth falls open. Valka stays where she stopped dancing. I look to Toothless and roll my eyes to Valka, trying to hint my idea. He nods, getting it, and pushes Valka into Stoicks arms. I smile at Toothless, and he returns my smile with a proud nod. Hiccup walks towards them. Stoick wraps an arm around Hiccup.

"We could be a family once again." He says

"Yes." Valka says. Hiccup smiles like crazy, which made me smile too. Stoick hugs Valka an slowly walks away. I hear the dragons growl loud. Toothless looks up and softly growls too. Something's going on.

"Toothless. Whats happening?" Hiccup asks panicking. The ceiling collapses in front of us. Bombs.

Valka rushes outside. I stay with Toothless, scared of what is to happen. Did they find out about me? About Rose? Where is Rose now? We look at each other, asking ourselves what is going on. I slowly walk outside and see exactly what is going on. Lots of ships sail the horizon. I see Astrid and the group of Berk, fighting. Hiccup rushes to Toothless and clicked on his helmet all while jumping on top of him. I see Valka rushing to the back.

"Kathe, we need to fight. Mom is getting the alpha and we are with two night furies. We are strong. Come on!" Hiccup says. I follow him outside and immediately start fire and blow up everything withouth thinking. Toothless did the same. Toothless went right with Hiccup and I went left, alone. I fire more and more. I hear a loud growl behind me and see Valka, standing on her dragon, with a huge dragon behind her. The Alpha.


Okay I love the song For The dancing and the Dreaming. I just love it. Comment if you like!! I'll skip a part of the fight in the next chapter.

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