Chapter 1!

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Hey everyone!! This is my first story ever so I really want everyone to read this and give me your feedback(: In this story Jayy is not gay. Hes Bi(: Enjoy!!!


So as of today 5-26-2014 Im just going through and editing this since it sucks xD I finished this book almost 2 years ago when I was 14 so.. It sucks xD


Dahvies P.O.V.

"Dammit Jayy!!! I fucking swear! Ima kill you! Where the hell did you put my soda now?!" I yelled exasperated. He always does this. Hides my stuff for his amusement.

"HAHA! Calm your penis Dahvie dear. I put it in the fridge so that it wouldn't die." he said with a smirk. Wow the things he says sometimes I swear. Then again, he's probably higher than shit cos come on. It's Jayy. 

"Soda's don't die Derp. And it is calm!! Now quit moving my soda dammit!! You do this every time I get a new one and I end up not finding it until the next day when its flat."

"Well!!! Its not my fault SOMEBODY wont ever drink their freakin soda!! I decided to save it so it didn't die. So shut up!! Oh and aren't you supposed to be getting your stuff packed so we can leave in a hour?", Jayy said with another one of his trademark smirks.

"OK! Whatever! And yes, im almost done packing i just need to put my make-up on." I then go and see if he actually put my soda in the fridge and sure enough there it is. I take a sip and..of course..Its flat. So i dump it out and get another one and take it out making sure Jayy doesn't take it again.


Ambers P.O.V.

"What what, What what, Throw it up throw it up just don't give a fuck.", I sing to my self while I straighten my hair. Its already 6 and I'm not even halfway done yet and school starts in a hour. Shit. So i hurry and get all my stuff together and look in the mirror to see if I look OK. What i see is a girl with black, purple, blue, and pink hair, just perfectly teased in the back with a bow while bangs cover half her face, black eyeliner with pink eyeshadow, Black and red ripped skinnys and a botdf shirt. I go and grab my Icky Boo sweater, my Botdf bag, and my ipod. I walk out of the house, Revenge Porn blasting out of my headphones.

Im almost at school when i see my best friend Audrey. Shes walking towards me with a frantic look on her face. I start running towards her wondering what the hell is wrong. Shes talking on the phone when i finally get to her and she hands me the phone. First thing i hear is "Where the hell is Amber." Shit its my dad. With a sigh i say "Hi dad..What's up..?"

"Where are you?!", he practically screams in my ear. "Uhhh..At school?", I say. Hes probably drunk again. Hell i wouldn't be surprised. "Oh yea..Well never mind then. You better be home right after.", He said with a confused but stern voice. "Yea dad i know. I will. Bye."

Right after school i come home to a raging dad. I don't know what the hell happened but I'm scared. This will be interesting..

"Amber." He called from downstairs. I took a deep breath and walked down to where he was trying to calm the anxiety in my stomach. I walked into the room and saw him sitting there watching tv. 

"So where were you?" He asked. 

"School. Like I told you before when you called Audrey."

"Don't give me fucken attitude or I swear to fucken god." He started. I took a step back and kept a straight face. 

"School." I said again, crossing my arms. 

"Why were you gone so long." 

"School tends to be about seven hours long." I replied. 

"Fucken again with the attitude, yea?"

"I'm not giving you attitude, I'm giving you answers. What would you like me to say? Want me to fucken lie?" The moment that last sentence slipped out of my mouth I felt my stomach drop. He shot up faster than I would have thought imaginable and cracked the beer bottle against the side of my head. I clutched the side of my head, instantly regretting saying anything. 


Jayys P.O.V.

Wow. Dahvies still pretty pissed that i hid his soda again but it was so worth it. I take a left and see a girl walking on the streets with a couple of bags in her hand.

"Man we need to help her.", Said Dahvie clearly stating the obvious. "Pull over so we can pick her up."

"No shit sherlock", I say pulling over and unlocking the door. I open the door and walk over to her. She has a bruise forming on her face and blood running down her leg. Poor thing.

"Hey", I said, "Do you want a ride?" I look at her face and instantly see that she know who i am. Dahvie comes up beside me and takes her bags, putting them in the bus. "Its ok", I say, leading her to the bus. I have Dahvie drive so I can sit in the back with her.


Ambers P.O.V.

As im walking i hear a vehicle slow down. I turn around and see that its a bus. They pull over and I start thinking of who it could be. I hear a door shut and i see Jayy Von Monroe walking over to me. Im in total shock not knowing what the hell to do. He said "Hey, Do you want a ride?" Im still speechless not knowing what to say and then i see Dahvie coming up and taking my bags putting them in the bus. I hear him say Its Ok. And hear him tell Dahvie to drive. Damn this was one hell of a night.


So guys!! Chapter one! What do you think? Vote and Comment if you think i should write more. Ill definitly upload Tomorow. Bye!!!!!

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