Chapter 10

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Hey everyone!!! This is going to be a long update hopefully. I havnt been able to update lately because my mom hates me...So yeaaaa...Haha welp, these poems in this story, are mine. So they suck pretty good.. I came up with them myself. So yea...Enjoy the story! Peace.


Jayy's P.O.V.

Holy shit...While I'm looking through these, i feel like I'm intruding. They're so personal..But i cant stop reading them...

You sit there. Hoping, Praying that it will stop. That maybe..If you don't listen, then the voice will fade away. But it doesn't. It gets louder, more urgent. C'mon, it says, you can do this. Its only once. You'll feel so much better. So you give in. You give into the monsters call. Then, while you're giving in, your fading away.....Fading, wondering why you did this. Why you gave in. And you then lose the 2 people you love the most. </3

He didnt want it to happen. Didn't really want to die. He just wanted to be noticed..Loved..Payed attention to. So he did it in the chest, but flinched and it hit bone. He should have done it through the head, it would have been faster and he could of got it over with. But he didn't. So as hes laying there, dying in a pool of his own blood, wishing that the gun wasn't out of his reach, his mom comes through the door. She stands over him with a look of pure disgust as she says "You are such a fucking disappointment. You cant even fucking kill yourself right. Fag." And shot her son in the head.

Love. Such a funny word. You hear it all the time. By your parents, boyfriends, girlfriends, best friends, everyone. But noone ever means it. Its just a filler word. When you think its finally real, its not. Its always a joke. The one time you believe it, you get hurt. Find out it wasn't true. You're told never to say hate...That its a strong word. Yet, you're taught to always say love, when its also a strong word. Stronger than hate. It means more. Hurts more when it was a lie. I mean think about it. Your guy or girl says they hate you. Its like Oh whatever. Idgaf. But when they say I love you, Oh hell. They better mean it, or else its worthless. And when they lie, It hurts way damn more than anything. Like your heart is shattering. So why love when hatings easier? Can someone possibly answer me this question?

By this time, I am almost in tears. I cant believe that she feels this way. I put it up in the closet and bring her clothes to her. I help her get dressed and put her to bed. "Thanks Dahv, I really appreciate this.." I say, my voice cracking. "Ahw, Jayy-Jayy, its no problem" He says hugging me. I start crying and he holds me close. It just all hit me at once and i just feel so alone right now. I can only imagine how Amber feels after having our baby inside of her for 8 months. I grab Dahvies shirt and just let it all out. He sat me down on the floor and rubbed my back crying silently. Then Amber wakes up within 20 minutes and turns on her Ipod. Eminem starts playing Deja Vu and I cry harder. She sits next to me and Dahvie and we just hold each other close. Then, before i knew it, Dahvies shaking my shoulder, telling me to wake up, and is walking me to my bed. Amber's already in it, so i get under the covers and cuddle with her, holding her closely and fall asleep.

Dahvies P.O.V.

Holy fuck..I don't think I've seen Jayy cry this hard since Daniel cheated on him. I mean, I don't exactly blame him..He did just lose a baby..Or i did..But either way..I just feel like shit and drained so i walk into the kitchen and grab the remainder of the vodka that's on the counter and just take the bottle into my room with me. I drain the bottle within a hour and go downstairs and sit on the couch. Its 4 in the morning and i feel like shit. I think about everything that's happened and i instantly run to the bathroom and throw up. I sat by the toilet for a few hours until i felt my shoulder being shaken. "Dahv..Dahvie..Wake up, at least get into your bed", Jayys voice echoed painfully in my head. I let him help me up and brink me into my room where im knocked out for awhile.

Amber's P.O.V.

Man, fuck my life. This has been the worst couple of months ever. I lost my baby, I almost lost my one true love, and i almost died myself. I don't know what to do anymore..I just feel so lost..and empty. I miss my baby even though i never got to see or hold him. I then start crying, feeling more  alone than ever. Jayy walked in, saw me crying, and sat down next to me, holding me. "I'm so fucking sorry baby..Its all my fault. If i wouldnt have yelled at you and talked to you like a normal human, this would have never happened." He said, crying. "It's not your fault. At all. If anything, its mine because i cheated on you and ran out like a little bitch." I said, looking him in the eyes. He shook his head and i stopped him and just looked at him. "Jeremy Griffis, You will not blame yourself for this. Even if it was your fault, you cant dwell on this. Please. Just listen to me." I said, trying to sound strong, when really i just wanted to die. "Fine," He replied, "On one condition. You dont blame yourself either." I nodded and he smiled a little. I kissed him softly and got up. "I need to take a shower." I said. He looked at me worried and I smiled. "I wont cut myself or anything, ill be fine. You can sit in there with me if you want." I said to him. He jumped up and went into the bathroom, with me following. "There, does that make you feel better?" I asked him, feeling like a mom that just kissed a boo-boo on her childs finger. "Yes ma'am, you bet it does." He said laughing. I just shook my head and got undressed. Jayy was staring at me the whole time, forgetting that he was wearing only his boxers. "Like what you see?" I asked him laughing. He blushed and looked down, making me laugh harder. I got in the shower and was out within 10 minutes. He went to go make himself breakfast so i got dressed and went to check on Dahvie. He was still sound asleep, and he stunk of alcohol. Poor guy. I went over and covered him up, kissing him lightly on the cheek and walked out. Jayy was downstairs, attempting to make a bowl of cereal. "DAMMIT!! I just poured a whole bowl of cereal, but we dont have milk. What kind of society do we LIVE IN?!" He cried making me giggle. "Uhm, did you actually look, my dear?" I asked him, Smirking. "Duh" He replied, sticking his tounge out at me. So i walked over to the fridge and moved the jar of pickles and low and behold, there was the milk. "Urm..I forgot to look there.." He replied sheepishly. I just laughed and rolled my eyes at him. At this moment, I actually felt pretty happy..Until i heard a bang on the door. "AMBER!!! I KNOW YOUR BITCH ASS IS IN THERE!!!!!!" I froze, easily recognizing the voice. I felt my self go cold as the door got kicked down. There was Garrett Ecstasy...With my Dad.. And he has a gun..Ohhhhh shit...


And theres Chapter 10, boys and girls!!!!!! Hmm...I wonder if theres any guys that read this..Haha random thought. ANYWHO!!! Tell me how i did please! Comment, vote and fan!!! Thankies!! Love you all!! Peace out xD

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