Chapter 7

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Hello, hello! So. This is the 7th chapter!! Yay!! And I know Dahvie's being made to be a major douchbag, but really. Hes not. At all. Lol. So, enjoy!


Jayy's P.O.V.

So. I guess Dahvies pissed at me. For no good reason. It's not my fault im falling in love with her. And yea I did have Daniel. But thats over now. And his girlfriend dying has nothing to do with me. I know I sound like a major dick right now, but what the hell ever. Its all true. But Amber's mine now anyways. I made it official. She also said she wouldnt do anything with him. But then again, she's been really distant lately..Is something going on that I don't know about? I mean I do love her alot. Like alot alot. So I go and cuddle into bed with her. She turns right over and starts kissing me. I think to myself that she doesnt want this. That if anything happens, i am screwed. But then again, I love her. I feel something more with her than i did Daniel. So maybe i can do this. Apparantly my brains not the only part of me that agrees... She sences that to because the next thing i know, I'm making love to her. Holy shit. Jayy what the hell are you doing? Do you really want this? To late now, better just enjoy it while it lasts. And i do. Alot.




Amber's P.O.V.

I'm in the bathroom with Sally doing my hair when i hear Sally say that she started her period. Wait. When was the last time i started mine?! Its august now..So the last time was June..Shit.

"Sally, will you take me to the store?!" I say, my voice slightly shaking.

"Sure, what for?" "Uhmm..I'll tell you when we get there...Or else you'll see..Let's just go.."

So we're driving to the store and I'm freaking out. What if I am? I'm not ready..I don't know whose it is if i am anyways.. I walk in and get the test and walk out. Sally sees what i have and gasps but doesn't say anything. When we get home, I instantly go to the bathroom. Two minutes later, I look at it. Positive. Oh. My. God.

"SALLY!!" I scream. "What?! Whats wrong?!" I hand her the test and she flips. "What are you going to do? Are you gonna keep it? Are you gonna tell Jayy?" The questions just keep flowing out of her mouth. "I don't know! Im going to keep it... Tell Dahvie and Jayy to get in the living room.." I say.


Jayy's P.O.V.

So I'm stealing Dahvies soda again and i get called into the living room. Sally's flipping the fuck out. Yelling for me and Dahvie. We go sit in the living room and out walks Amber crying and shaking. I run up to her and hold her.

"Uhmm..Guys.. I..Uhh..I...I'm pregnant." She says. Wait. Shes..PREGNANT?! Ima dad?! The hell?!

"Im a dad?! Your pregnant?! What the hell?!" I say. She just stares at me. "What?" I said. She looks like she wants to tell me something. I look at Dahvie and see that hes whiter than me.

"Amber, whats going on? Is there something your not telling me?" I ask.

"Well..I dont know whose the dad.." She whispers.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! IM THE DAD! YOU ONLY HAD SEX WITH ME!!!!!" But then it dawns on me. "You fucked Dahvie didn't you. DIDN'T YOU?!" I yell. She just nods her head. "Fuck you guys." I say. Im so pissed at them.

Amber runs out of the house and the next thing i know, a car screeches, car horns are blaring and people are screaming and...Oh my god. I run out and see her on the ground, bleeding. What did i just do?


And done!! With this chapter xD Tell me how i did!! Its gonna be a little intense in the next chapter. I know, its a little crazy, but you guys will thank me in the end xD Fan, vote, and comment!! Thankies! xD

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