Prologue | Poetry

194 9 1

A little girl woke up in her bed.

Clouds in her vision,

Pain in her head.

Her sister was waiting by her door,

She noticed her face,

But above she saw more.

A digit in singles,

A floating little three,

She asked aloud,

"What's happening to me?"

The girl stood up to observe the sight.

That tiny, hovering number,

Which told how well one fights.

You see this little power

was given to this girl,

So that at every hour,

she would be prepared for the world.

For the higher the number, 

Their danger is increased.

And the most fearful part of all,

Is that her power never ceased.


Hey there! I got a new idea for a book. Don't expect to much though, and sorry for the sucky poem XD.

I'm really excited to start this off so wish me luck!

~Lz :3

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