Chapter Six |

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Ugh. Okay here we go.

"Lena Prague, for the interview," you told the desk lady in the lobby.

"Prague.....Oh Miss Prague, you're right on time. Just down the hallway please, your interviewer is expecting you. Good luck," she responded, directing you toward the door.

You nodded and walked down the long, hardwood boards, heels clacking against it with every step. You took a deep breath and knocked.

"Come in."

"Ah, Lena Prague. Welcome to Queen Industries. Please, have a seat," a blonde man said with a welcoming smile. He wore a cleanly pressed suit with broad shoulders barely fitting in his office chair. You gave a smile and sat down directly in front of his desk.

"Mr. Queen, it's an honor to meet you. I'm quite surprised such a high up like you decided to meet with me personally." you said with a tight smile. You felt a bead of sweat slide down the back of your neck.


It wasn't like it was the first time you were seeing this. You were prepared, you saw it above the numerous photos of him playing around with women in luxury, but his overbearing stature truly intimidated you in person.

"No, no. The honor's all mine. So Lena, help me get to know you. You've got quite the record here. Only 19 and already applying here? such a big company too....a nanotech engineer huh..." he said, and rubbing his chin. He suddenly smiled and stood up from his chair, his shadow looming over you.

"You're hired!" he announced with a wide grin, extending a hand towards you.

"Um, could you repeat that?" you said, getting up out of your seat and shaking his outstretched hand, head slightly tilted to one side. He gestured you to sit back down which you both did.

"You're hired! Why the hell wouldn't you be? You're incredible, and will definitely be a great addition to the company. Plus," he paused, leaning forward across the desk.

"I heard you're in high demand. A certain Gotham businessman by any chance?" he whisper-shouted. You coughed and broke eye contact with the man.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." you muttered and looked back at his calculating gaze. He rested his head on the palm of his hand, elbow on the desk.

"But I think you do Miss Prague. You see Bruce and I are quite close, he's told me so much about you. Why do you think I really came to see you in person?" he interrogated.

He's not lying at all. I don't like this. Why are he and Bruce connected, and why are their numbers so damn high?

"Fair enough. So what?"


"What about you, Mr. Oliver? I have a question for you too." You said, scooting yourself forward so you were only a foot away from his face. To your surprise, he gulped.

"Clark Kent, what do you know about him?" You asked looking straight into his eyes.

There's no way he knows about him too right?

"Huh? Who's that?" he asked innocently. Innocently enough at least.

He's lying. He knows a lot.

"You know quite a lot, Mr. Queen. Please don't lie to me," you said calmly.

He studied your face for a bit before sighing.

"That's enough for today Lena. I'll be glad to see you next Monday here at Queen Industries. Welcome to the team." He said with little emotion.

"Thank you for your time," you said smiling and shaking his hand. Closing the door behind you, Oliver dragged a hand down his face.

"What the fuck," he muttered.


"Bruce, are you finally gonna tell me who she is?"

A/n: aaaaand that's where I left off a few years ago. and that's where it'll stay for a good long while i think. it was fun frendos, i bid you all good day :3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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