Chapter Five | Move

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---Bruce's P.o.V.---

As soon as she left, we all simply stared at her once occupied chair.

"What," Clark started.
"The," Lois added.
"Hell." I finished.

"Who is she Bruce? Other than just your 'business partner'." Lois asked, making quotation marks with her fingers.

"A damn genius, that's who. A kid who earned a PhD in her field at the age of eighteen. If that isn't amazing I don't know what is," I elaborated.

"No. What's amazing is that she could tell that you," Clark said, gesturing to me while leaning forward. "the Batman, were lying. Now that's amazing, Bruce." He ended, crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes.

"That's not all she can figure out," I muttered under my breath. Of course, Clark's hearing was perfect as usual.

"What do you mean Bruce?" He inquired indolently. I outwardly groaned.

"Clark. She knows." I said gravely. Anger flashed in his eyes, as I saw them become the red hue I was all too familiar with for a split second.

"What do you mean she knows?" He said, though it sounded vaguely like an animalistic growl.

"You know what I mean, Clark." I responded.

"And you just let her walk away?!" He yelled, almost breaking the coffee shop table with the force he used to bolt up from it. Lois shot him a stern glare, making him settle back down. Thankfully, no one continued watching after his little outburst.

"Are you an idiot, Bruce?! With that information she could shred us to pieces, more so you than me! If our enemies find out, we're as good as dead, and the rest of the league probably soon to follow! And I thought you were the smart one," he fumed, his voicing of the last part barely audible.

"I still am. I have a plan," I said confidently.

"And what would that be, huh Bruce? Wait until she runs off and tells everyone? What a great plan that is! How about we turn it into a damn party game?! Fun for the whole fami-" he started, but I cut him off.

"Clark. Stop." Lois warned, which I was eternally grateful for.

"Look Clark, if you're that concerned about her, then follow her." I sighed, rubbing my temples.

"And become a brooding stalker like you? Yeah, I don't think so, Bruce." He scoffed looking away.

"I am not a stalker. I just crave information which I can't get elsewhere. Now are you coming or not?" I asked, standing up.

"Fine. Just know that I'm not happy about this." Clark declared mirroring my movements. After changing into our suits and dropping Lois back to their shared home, we made it in time to still find her walking from the cafe.

As if she saw us once we looked at her, she turned exactly where we were hiding in the shadows, squinting suspiciously. I could hear Clark's breath hitch out of nerves, and had to refrain myself from chuckling. A teenager can scare the man of steel. How...hilarious.

She shook her head after a moment of staring, resuming her brisk pace. And soon as she locked her front door, we changed our place for a better view. Looking through an open curtain, she placed a bowl in the microwave and opened her laptop.

"See? Just a normal girl. She's probably just watching a puppy roll a beach ball." I pointed out, annoyed by Clark's paranoia.

"We don't know that yet. Hack, bats." He said, still staring at her with his impeccable eyesight. Rolling my blue irises under my cowl, I pulled out my handy-dandy wrist computer. (A/n: idk I felt like it.) After eventually maintaining a decent signal from her laptop, I mirrored her screen on mine. My curiosity sparked as I viewed her clicking on possible home rentals outside of Gotham.

"She's leaving town Bruce! What if she only came here to learn more about us, then report back to someone, huh?" he chirped, narrowing his eyes into slits.

"She's probably just scared of us, or more specifically, Bruce Wayne." I concluded dryly, minimizing the display.

"And why's that?"

"Not sure, but I'll be damned if I don't try to find out." I said.

"You're one brooding bat, you know that?" He commented, the one corner of his mouth twitching upwards. I did my best to glare at him through my mask and shut off the screen on my computer.

"So what now?" he chirped at the bat, who sighed and turned his back to the boy in blue. 

"I'll figure it out. Go home boy scout."

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