Chapter One | This Can't Be Right

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    You speed-walked towards the cafe, your effort to shield yourself from the rain fruitless. You bundled you now soaked gray cardigan around your sides in a desperate attempt to create body heat despite the chilly downpour. Your forest green umbrella lay useless in your hand, a gaping hole in the center as a result of the merciless gusts of wind which were snapping your hair around your neck viciously. You paid no mind to the stinging pain as your locks whipped at your skin, too fixated on trying to find shelter.

    Thankfully, the coffee shop was still in it's business hours as you placed your mangled umbrella in the stand, lining up for a warm beverage. Deciding on a simple hot tea, you paid for your drink and sat alone at a table for two, sipping from your cup sparingly. You observed the numbers floating above everyone's heads, purely for entertainment purposes. Before you had time to fix your appearance, the bell of the door clanged to signal a customer, who craned his neck around in search for someone.

   Sadly, the person he was looking for was none other than yourself.

   As you tried to slick back the loose hairs of your ponytail to appear as if you didn't just run a marathon, he spotted you. Here goes nothing.

   "Are you the person I was supposed to meet here? My name is Bruce Wayne," he introduced, eyeing your now dripping work attire.

    "Yes, I believe so. I apologize for the unfortunate weather today, though I do believe you fared far better than myself," you responded while smirking. The man's suit held not a single water droplet impeding on the cleanly-pressed fabric, the only evidence of the storm found in a few stray raindrops suspended in the front of his hair. He sat himself down in front of you as you sipped with an expectant expression. After a few moments of silence you decided to start the conversation for yourself.

   "Hm, and I thought Gotham's forecast was bad," you commented, knowing exactly where the Bruce Wayne hailed from. He raised an eyebrow curiously.

   "You're from Gotham? Then why did we have to meet in Metropolis?" he questioned, though there was not a hint of anger in his tone. You shrugged in disinterest.

   "I'll always be a Gotham girl at heart, but I think I prefer the scene here. Less crime and less clowns. Anyhow, you had a reason to speak with me, yes?" you asked, tired of the small talk. You noticed his body tense up at the mention of the two most infamous criminals of Gotham, but quickly covered it.

   "I understand. And yes, to the matter at hand. So you say that you have an idea for Wayne Enterprises. Something to do with a microchip?" he questioned, returning to his carefree facade. You chuckled in an attempt to find humor where there was none.

   "Yes, Mr. Wayne. A chip implant. it-....uh." Your smile instantly dropped as you peered above his head. My mind must be messing with me. But then again, they've never been wrong.

   "Miss? Are you alright?" Bruce asked, placing his large hand on your shoulder over the table that seemed much to small now. You flinched at his touch, your eyes still not directed at his. Your reaction seemed to trigger something in him, making him retract his hand as if your skin were an open flame. You shook your head rapidly, replacing the lid on your cup before standing up. Your clothes were heavy and baggy from the water weight, though you paid no mind to it as you hurriedly wrung the fluid out of your hair.

   "Pardon me Mr. Wayne, but I must excuse myself. I've recalled a certain errand I had to attend to as of now,  and it's quite urgent," you lied, looking at him with an apologetic expression. Shocked by your sudden departure to who knows where, he too stood from his sitting position.

   "Oh, I suppose it's my fault for my poor scheduling. Perhaps another time then?" he proposed, walking you to the door. You shook your head.

   "That is most unlikely, Mr. Wayne. You are quite the busy man, or so I've heard," you said, though in reality you simply wanted to be as far away from him as possible. He chuckled heartily whilst scooting closer, oblivious to you trying to keep your distance from this....anomaly.

   "Nonsense. A brilliant idea such as yours mustn't go unheard. Well, have a good evening- my would you look at the time. I don't believe it's polite to allow a lady to walk home alone at night, even more so considering the weather. I'd be glad to give you a ride to your home. Where do you live?" Bruce offered, just as you were about to make a break out of the door. You shook your head indignantly, your nerves slowly getting to you.

   "I'm fairly certain I'll be alright Mr. Wayne. I wouldn't want to trouble you more than I already have," you said, reaching for the door handle. However, Bruce opened the door for you, stepping out as well and closing it behind him. You both were sheltered by the awning, the wind once again lashing mercilessly against your skin. You visibly shuddered, trying to cover the entirety of your nose, mouth, and neck with your scarf. As much as you wanted to immediately run, a voice in your head told you to stay. 

Oh, how you didn't know how much you would come to regret listening to it.

   "No trouble at all.  What was the errand you needed to do? I'll bring you there." he said over the sound of leaves violently ruffling, an occasional branch snapping from the force. What do I say, what do I say?!

   "Actually Mr. Wayne, I'll have to decline your generous offer. Thank you for-" you were cut off when a feminine voice called out your companion's name. Bruce turned around to find a raven haired lady with blue eyes running towards the two of you, shielding her notepad from the rain beating down on her. She seemed to not care a bit about the shards of water hitting her blazer, nor the puddles her pale pink stilettos would find themselves submerged in every so often.

   "Bruce Wayne! Lois Lane from the Daily Planet! I have a few questions! What's your business here in Metropolis? Why have you been absent from the Gotham press? And who is this young lady beside you?" she yelled out towards us, almost tripping over her own feet.

   "Lois!" a man shouted towards her, running swiftly down the sidewalk. His stature was impressive, as well as his build. Much like the woman he had hair as black as the clouds above you and a pair of glasses with raindrops attached to the lenses. As soon as he caught up with the reporter, he embraced her protectively.

    "Lois, what have I told you about running off like that?" he scolded the woman, finally pulling away but keeping their hands interlocked. A look of recognition flashed across his face once he noticed both of your presences.

   "Clark," Bruce said monotonously, much different from his caring and enthusiastic tone he used only moments before.

   "Bruce," he responded in the same manner. The two shared a knowing glance before the man named Clark turned to face me.

   "Hello there, what's your name?" he asked, a smile all too plastic positioned on his face. 

   "My business partner, otherwise known as none of your concern, Clark." Bruce remarked coldly, sending said person a frosty glare. As you flickered your gaze elsewhere, more specifically above Clark's head, your heart stopped beating for a split second. What's wrong with me today?

   Confiming your suspicions, you gazed towards the girl called Lois. To your confusion, she had a perfectly average, normal number. A three. So, I'm not broken? Then...what does this mean?

   You cautiously stepped away from the group, inching backwards ever so slowly. Before they had the chance to stop you, you sprinted off into the heart of the city. You surprised yourself with the speed you were able to reach your apartment in, knowing full well it was at least a mile away from the coffee shop.

   You unlocked your door while doubling over in exhaustion. You crawled over to your bed, falling face first into the comforter. Not bothering to change, you promptly fell asleep pondering the two nines you had just witnessed floating above the men's heads.

There is no way in hell I'm going to meet him again.


Huzzah, first chapter done.

~Lz :3

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