Chapter Four | Bye Bye Metropolis

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   "How do you know?" he questioned, still not fully admitting it.

   "I just do. So," you drawled out suspensefully.

   "Spill." You demanded, slapping your hand against the wooden table.

   "No. Clark will tell you if he deems you trustworthy. He barely knows you." Bruce stated, emotionless.

   "How 'bout you stop speaking for others Bruce," Clark snapped in irritation, contrasting greatly from his usual happy-go-lucky attitude. Unfazed by his outburst, Bruce still kept a cool head. You gazed towards Lois, hoping to get some information out of her. However, she was just as unhelpful as the other two.

   "Fine, damn it. I guess you won't tell me. Have a good day gentlemen. Oh, and Lois," you paused, halfway out of your chair.

   "I slipped my phone number in your purse. Let's chat again sometime." You offered, smiling before promptly leaving the shop. You had written your number discreetly on a gum wrapper during the encounter, after determining that Lois made quite nice company.

   As you strolled down the streets of Metropolis, you noticed the sun start to set. Seriously? I didn't think I took that long. Whatever. Doesn't matter if this isn't Gotham, don't know what's out here at night. You thought as you picked up your pace, walking briskly towards your rented home.

   You couldn't help but feel like there were eyes watching your every step, but you found no one when you scoped out the area.

   You slid into your house, putting a bowl of leftovers in the microwave. As you waited for the timer to alarm, you went to work.

   It was true that you never intended to come to this city in the first place, nor stay. But when you saw four eights on the heads of Bruce Wayne's wards, you were sure you were going crazy. It's insane. How the hell is a ten year old an eight?!

   But now, you were really starting to believe there was something going on with the Waynes. It could no longer be just a coincidence, and now that he was on your tail you had to choose between fight or flight. Given that you didn't know how to do the former, you decided that flight was your best option.

   Smallville? No, too rural.
   San Francisco? Nah, I've never really like the coast.
   You found a modest, reasonably priced condo in the heart of the city, renting it online. You smiled as you closed your final luggage. Home number three, here I come. That is, of course, after you ate dinner.


   You slowed to a stop at your designated terminal, sighing as you took a seat out of the sea of rows.


   You called over a taxi, suitcases trailing behind you.

   "Morning Miss. New to town?" The taxi driver asked, opening the trunk of the vehicle.

   "Fresh off the boat," you responded as you sat in the back row.

   "Where to?"

   You directed him to your housing unit whilst buckling up. With a nod, you both started to cruised smoothly. You made sure to notice the animated, brightly-colored streets signs which passed by your window.

   Welcome To Star City!


Sorry for the really short chapter. Even if it is garbage.

~Lz :3

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