Chapter Three | What Do You Want?

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---Your P.o.V.---

   As soon as the door was shut you ran to the window. You peeked out of the curtain to see Bruce walking to his limousine, a balding man opening the door for him.

   Of course he has a butler. I shouldn't be surprised.

   Once they left your driveway you laid down face-first on your couch. Groaning you finally sat up to see your reflection in the inactive television screen. What I saw in the reflection made me wish I could shatter the glass right then and there.

A ten. A fucking ten.

   You don't know how the hell you received this number, or why. I can't even throw a damn punch. Whoever decided this was an idiot.

   Crawling off of your couch, you decided not to vegetate on the thought and do something. Grabbing your earphones, you decided to take a walk to the city center. It was nice, really, seeing how much Metropolis differed from Gotham. How not every forty year old man's breath reeked of alcohol and cigarettes, or how a convenience store could go a whole day without the clerk being held at gunpoint. Sometimes you wondered why you hadn't moved here sooner.

   You strolled around the open plaza carelessly, finally taking a seat at a wishing fountain. The bronze and silver coins gleamed in the water, waiting for another to join them. Sighing, you took a dime out of your tiny pocket.

   I wish I could just be normal.

   A ripple formed around the spot where your coin had just entered, creating a beautiful image on the surface of the water. As you watched, a lady you had recognized from the day before tapped you on the shoulder. 

   "Can I help you?" you asked politely, not averting your gaze from the fountain. 

   "Uh- yeah. My name is Lois Lane from the Daily Planet. Aren't you the girl we saw talking to Bruce Wayne yesterday?" she questioned, pulling out a pen with a small globe at the end of it.

   "Yes, yes I am. In fact- wait, did you say we?" you cut yourself off, finally looking at the reporter. To your dismay, the burly man who you could only assume to be her significant other stood only a few feet behind her. A gasp caught in your throat, making you choke on air. You doubled over in an attempt to breathe properly. The woman took note of this and quickly ran to your side, patting your back as you coughed.

   "Just let it out," the man said, suddenly behind you. Surprise overtook you as you descended face first into the concrete. Thankfully Lois caught you before you hit the ground.

   "Damn it Clark! What have I told you about sneaking up on people?!" She yelled angrily. You brushed yourself off, prepared to run. However, life had other plans.

   "Are you alright miss?" The man asked guiltily.

   "I'm fine. Peachy in fact. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go...." you muttered.

    "I'm so sorry. My husband has a tendency to do things like this. Often. C'mon, let's buy you an apology drink. There's a shop right over there," the woman said, tugging on your arm. You shook your head indignantly.

     "I really can't ask that of you. I'll just head home."  You excused.

   "Please, you didn't ask us, we offered. Just let us do this, I insist." She reasoned, pushing you along. As much as you wanted to leave, she held you in a death grip by the sleeve. How the hell is she only a three?!

    You sat down, or more like she sat you down at a table for three.

   "So, let's get to know each other. I don't have that many girlfriends so you look like a good contender. What do you do for a living? How old are you? Are you married?" She rambled excitedly, clapping her hands.

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