Chapter Two | Please?

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---Bruce's P.o.V---

"My business partner, otherwise known as none of your concern, Clark." I snipped at him, sounding harsher than I intended to.

God, I probably scared her off with my "bat glare".

I looked to where she was previously standing, nowhere to be seen. I tried to look off to where she might have gone, the inky, opaque darkness of the night preventing me from doing so. Crouching down to the pavement, I inspected the puddle which once surrounded her feet.

Not even a shoe print.

I heard a hearty laugh come from the boy in blue behind me.

"Ha! You freaked her out so much she left, Bruce. Oh I see her, she's running next to the dumpster a couple blocks from here." Clark commented with a smug grin. I felt a small weight pulling at my chest, being none other than guilt itself. I knew she was lying when she said she had to leave because of "errands", but I didn't have the chance to push her for her actual reasoning.

"It's true. She did look scared of me. I just don't know why." I responded to him, frustrated with myself.

"Aw, the big bad bat doesn't know something? Oh well. What are you doing here in Metropolis anyway. This is my turf you know," he commented. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Shut it boy scout. I only came here as Bruce Wayne to meet with that girl who just unceremoniously left. She had an idea for my company," I responded.

"Must've been some idea." Clark muttered.

"It was, better than anything I could've come up with, surprisingly. A chip implant of sorts," I said after chuckling dryly. Lois' eyebrows raised in amusement.

"Really? Better than your brooding little mind? This a little unnecessary to come all the way here for a meeting, don't you think?" she asked, dropping the reporter act.

"Oh please. I think your husband knows a thing or two about necessity. He doesn't even need those glasses for god's sake! Really Clark, you look like an idiot." I pointed out, folding my arms over my chest. He took off his lenseless spectacles, observing them with a pout.

"I just don't get why she would lie to me. I thought everyone liked Bruce Wayne," I pointed out.

"Pf-ft. Narcissistic much, Bruce?" Clark snorted, earning a glare from me.

"It doesn't matter. I'll set up a meeting in a few days with her to find out what's wrong. I'll see you around Clark. You too Lois." I fare-welled, walking to the limo where Alfred was waiting.

"And if she doesn't want to meet with you? By the looks of it she doesn't want to see you again." Clark called out to my departing figure. I looked over my shoulder without giving him a full view of my smirk, always being one for theatrics.

"She doesn't really have a choice."

I crouched down into the passengers side of the vehicle. Alfred put the car into drive, cruising smoothly down the highways of Metropolis. It was strange to pass by the rainy, dark alleys and not hear the constant sound of deafening gun shots and screams for help.

"How was your meeting Master Bruce?" my father figure asked. A few moments of silence helped me settle on an answer.

"Strange. Very strange."


The world never was too kind to me.


"What do you mean no?" I asked, frustrated.

"I mean no. I don't want to meet with you again." her voice said over the line, a bit of annoyance laced into it.

I was currently in my office right now, trying to convince the girl at the coffee shop to meet up again over the phone. I have to know why she ran away.

"But this is a wonderful opportunity to get your idea out into the field. Why wouldn't you take the chance?" I reasoned.

"Mr. Wayne, I have given my answer. Now please stop acting like a child and accept it." she snipped at me. I winced at her tone, surprised that such a young girl could hold such a ferocity in her voice.

"Likewise. Please understand this deal would benefit both of us. Now I hate to bring the law into this, but you have signed a contract which stated your 20% profit of this idea and all sales concerning it. Now, I believe you are legally obliged to be a part of this whether you like it or not." I stated, a triumphant smile on my face, even if she wouldn't be here to witness it.

"If I don't explain the idea to you, there's nothing for me to be a part of, Mr. Wayne. And I'm perfectly content with that. So let me make this simple for you one last time: no." she stated angrily. I sighed in defeat.

"Very well. I just hope that you know this won't be the last time I'll be contacting you."

"Unfortunately so, Mr. Wayne." she said before hanging up. I put down the land line and leaned back in my black desk chair, running a hand through my hair. I bolted up from my seat with a grin on my face. I got it.


It was about noon when I knocked on the door. The disheveled looking girl opened it. Her initial look of shock and fear didn't go unnoticed by me, but was quickly morphed into one of disdain.

"Why are you here, Mr. Wayne? You have neither right nor reason to be come to my house," she said snidely, glaring me despite the fact that I towered over her.

"Since you didn't want to meet with me, I decided to come to you." I remarked with my signature grin. She held her pointed gaze, but her body language only showed that she was nothing less than petrified.

"Do I need to file a restraining order, Mr. Wayne?" she snapped, mirth evident in her eyes. I laughed knowing I could get out of any law suit that have and will be ever thrown towards me, but I was still nervous nonetheless. Of course I never did anything wrong in those cases so...

"Hopefully not." I joked.

"Then leave me be. I'm sorry you missed out on a business deal, Mr. Wayne, but it's no longer my concern." she said, about to slam the door shut. However I blocked it with the palm of my hand.

"Fine, but at least tell me why you're suddenly afraid of me." I said, not budging a centimeter. She seemed to go rigid at my statement.

"I-uh. Um- you," she blabbered mindlessly. I noticed her gaze slowly moving upward, but she forced it back upon me.

"Well? I'm waiting," I said, chuckling. She cleared her throat and returned back to her stern demeanor.

"You're dangerous, Mr. Wayne. I want nothing to do with you." she hissed. As soon as I dropped my arm, only wood met my eyes. Whilst walking off of her porch only one thought raced across my mind.

I'm dangerous?


Hey there!

K bye.

~Lz :3

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