David Tapp and Laurie vs Michael

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Laurie edged round the corner slowly, peering out from behind the wall. The Game was possibly the worst a map to get going against Michael, especially when his terror radius was so small. Going from one room to the next without seeing him felt like an achievement, it wasn't uncommon to turn around and see him standing only a few feet away. Checking once more for any glimpse or him she crouched down and slowly made her way upstairs, pausing slightly to check just as she could see the floor above. Nobody in sight. She let out a sigh of relief and moved on, keeping low in the hopes to avoid Michael as much as she could. 
'Dammit.' A voice came in the distance and Laurie's heart leapt. Finally another survivor. She made her way over to the sound, not getting to close in case the curse had come from a failed skill check. She waited a while before rounding the corner and greeting the survivor in question.

'Hey Tapp.' She whispered, kneeling beside him to work on the generator. 

'Hey Laurie, didn't realise anyone else was here.'

'Neither did I, I think we must be the only ones.'

He gave her a pained look and got back to the generator, clicking a gear into place and grimacing as some oil spilt onto his hands. As the sound off the generator grew louder Laurie grew more nervous. Michael would easily hear it and they wouldn't hear him. With the generator about to pop she took one last look around in the hopes of catching Michael's aura, quickly nudging Tapp as she saw her brother in the distance.

'Finish the gen and leave out of the door that opens up, I'll distract him.'

He nodded and finished up the last of the wires, clicking on the lights of the generator. She saw Michael's head spin round at the sound and he started to make his way towards her. Laurie gritted her teeth and watched as Tapp left through the door, giving her a thankful smile as he did. She was the best person for the job, she knew Michael best, knew all his tricks and games plus she had something up her sleeve if she got caught. She gave her brother a hard look as he approached, fists clenched with defiance.

'Come and get me then Michael.'


Laurie had managed to lose him for a moment. She could hear him wandering around near her, checking all the corners and lockers. She pushed herself further into the wall, checking her pocket for the shard of broken glass. Taking a deep breath she ran out from her spot, hurtling through a window and into the freezer room. She ducked under the pigs that hung there and jumped through the other window checking behind her to see where Michael was. No sign of him. Shit. Where the hell had he gone? She ran round the corner, taking one look back before reluctantly getting into a locker. God this made her feel like Dwight. She hated lockers, didn't like the feeling knowing there was only one way out and if the killer was on the other side you were screwed. She held her breath as she heard the footsteps, pressing herself as far back as she could, ignoring the pain in her shoulder as something pressed into it. Michael's broad frame came into view a few seconds later, his knife gleaming in the dim light. Please leave please leave.

He paused a moment, his back to her and Laurie felt her heart drop. Her body went tense as he started to turn round and she thought desperately for something she could do. As she shook the thing digging into her shoulder became more noticeable, tilting her head round she could see the hatchets the huntress used. Could she even hold them? She'd never even thought she could actually wield one, that the entity would make it so her hand went straight through it. She reached up tentatively, her hand slowly curling around the handle. Lifting it down she realised how heavy they were and she got her second hand to help keep it upright. 

Michael was almost in front of her now. His emotionless mask making him look more sinister. Laurie lifted her chin, and braced her self as Michael stopped an arms length away from the door. He reached out with one hand, slowly at first until he grabbed the handle, yanking the door so fast that Laurie almost came with it. 

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