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Dwight held his toolbox closer to his chest as the fog started to lick at his body, slowly engulfing him with it's embrace. He closed his eyes, scrunching his face up and hoping he wouldn't have to face another match with Billy. He could hear the sound of the damn chainsaw in his dreams, the feel of the cold metal piercing his skin and ripping him apart. 

As he started to feel the ground beneath his feet again he opened his eyes and sighed in relief as he saw the corns fields. He liked this place the best, corn was good to hide in, especially against the likes of the nurse- probably the most difficult of killers to face. He looked around to see if any of the other survivors were with him, he'd seen Bill, Claudette and Nea at the fire before he was taken, though It didn't look like any of them had appeared with him.

He guessed it wasn't too bad, he could work on a generator by himself without being yelled at again. His mind had been elsewhere recently, he was struggling with nightmares and the lack of sleep was starting to effect him in trials. He'd mess up on the generator, think he could see or hear the killer and waste precious time hiding from nothing. The others were starting to pick up on it, their faces would fall when they saw he was with them even though some tried to hide it. He'd prove himself today though, he had to.

He headed over to the nearest generator and knelt down beside it, rubbing his hands together before getting stuck in. He used what he could from his toolbox, trying to save some for the next one, or a hook sabotage if he could manage it. As the rumbling got louder he checked around for any other survivors or the killer, he still wasn't sure who it was yet and that wasn't reassuring. No heartbeat or lullaby of some sort could mean Michael or Amanda and neither of them were fun to go against. The sound of his generator clicking on broke him out if his thoughts and he gathered his tools quickly so that he could avoid a killer come to check over here. He climbed into a locker and waited, hoping to catch a glimpse of the killer. Still nothing. Maybe they're already chasing someone...

He climbed out uncertainly, checking around for a glimmer of the invisible wraith or a crouching Pig. The coast seemed clear for now, he tried to relax his body, he didn't want to pull a muscle in a chase. That would be a new low for him. 

He headed over to one of the combine harvesters, totems often appeared around them and he could get a good look from the top of it. He checked in between the wheels and found a dull totem, cleansing it quickly before creeping up onto the combine and looking out for signs of the others. His shoulders tensed up again as he realised there were no buildings on the map with the exception of the two shacks. Just a large expanse of corn with very little to loop a killer around. He took a deep breath to steady himself before heading down, not wanting to be in an easy place to spot for too long. 

As he searched for another generator he finally got a glimpse of a survivors aura, it was Claudette. He ran over to where she was and saw her searching a chest. He crouched down beside her to help make it go quicker.

'Hey Dwight.' She greeted, pulling a med kit out of the chest and smiling at him. 'You seen the other two yet?'

'Not a sign of them. I thought they might be in a chase.'

'Well neither of them are injured, not that I've seen anyway.'

'That's okay then, Nea is pretty good at keeping them busy. Speaking of which who is them this time? Have you seen the killer?'

Claudette nodded. 'It's the Trapper I think, I only saw him from a distance.'

The trapper wasn't too bad, you just had to be careful when vaulting things or running through pallets as they were common spots for a trap.

'Well then, shall we head to another generator?' He asked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously as Claudette carried on staring at him. 

'Yeah, I want to get out of here as soon as I can. I do not want a bear trap round my ankle today.'

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