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The shocking sound was close now and Feng held her head tightly, desperately willing herself not to scream. She heard shouts a few seconds later and opened her eyes, unsure if she'd been the one to make the noise. She peered round the corner, ducking back quickly as Quentin ran past. The Doctor was only a few feet behind him and his fist was raised, preparing to shock again. She edged back into the corner of the room to get out of range and waited til they passed, not wanting to get caught in a chase that she'd likely not get out of.  The research facility was a nightmare to navigate and you could find yourself easily cornered if you made a wrong turn.

When she was sure she was safe Feng made her way out to where she'd been working on a generator earlier. As she crouched by it she realised Quentin had been hit. She thought about going to help but a generator desperately needed finishing- Kate was already gone and they had no generators completed. She sighed as she refocused herself back on the wires, she'd help if she could be right now this had to be the priority. Besides she had a knack of getting it done quietly so that killers didn't even realise they were walking past one that was nearly complete. 

She made as much progress as she could, Quentin seemed to be holding out pretty well which was what they desperately needed at this point if they stood even a chance of escaping. She got it nearly finished when she heard the heart beat again, either he was being chased this way or had managed to lose the doctor. She didn't want to leave the gen when it was this closes so she stayed put, working as quietly as she could. She saw Quentin creeping passed out the corner of her eye, badly injured and gritting his teeth. She carried on with her gen, watching as the Doctor drew ever closer to him. Dammit he's gonna get caught. She couldn't risk that this soon. She ran out of her spot, making sure she made some noise as she went. She didn't want to be seen, just hopefully fool the killer into thinking Quentin had gone the other way. She trailed her footsteps into one of the rooms before creeping back in the direction of her gen and hopping into a locker. 

She held her breath as he passed mere feet from her. Though shocking wouldn't effect her in here she didn't doubt the killers hearing after the number of times she'd been caught in stupid places. He stayed around for a while, checking behind furniture and dark corners before finally leaving to search elsewhere. She let herself relax before leaving the locker quietly, shoulders aching from the tension. She headed back to the gen, working quickly til it popped then running from the area immediately, not wanting to get shocked and give away her location. She hid behind a hospital bed, back pressed against the cold walls making her shiver slightly. She stayed silent, listening out for any sign of him or a fleeing survivor. It seemed the Doctor was already occupied at the moment. 

She slipped out the room, quickly searching a chest located outside and finding a toolbox. There wasn't much in it but it would do for one gen at least. Wondering around the halls Feng was reminded of another reason to hate this place, finding a gen was a damn pain. Usually you could see the lights above a generator from a distance, meaning it wasn't usually an issue locating them. In here the walls mind finding anything just about impossible without a map. You just had to walk around and hope for the best. 

After searching several rooms she finally find one in the little office room. She checked to see if the basement was in there, relieved to see it wasn't. She supposed while it was useful now, having the basement in the middle would make things more awkward in a chase. As Feng began work on the gen she noticed the chandelier above her start to shake slightly, she glanced around quickly to make sure no one was around before carrying on. About half way through the gen she saw Quentin's aura appear; red and laid flat on the ground. He'd been caught. She let out a sigh, wondering how much longer they'd have left. With four generators still needing to be done it wasn't looking good. She waited for his aura to appear on the hook, wondering how close he'd be. After waiting a while she contemplated going over to see what was happening when she saw the aura again, jumping down out of the killers grasp. He'd gotten free!

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