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Feng revved the engine and gritted her teeth, pressing her foot harder on the accelerator. Only she could get stuck out in a blizzard on Christmas eve. She blamed her parents for living so far away.

After several more failed attempts she turned the ignition off and slumped back into the seat with a groan. She pulled out her phone to call someone but there was no reception, no data either. This damn weather would be the death of her.

Bracing herself before hand, Feng opened the car door and stepped out into the snow. Pacing around for even a bar of signal. Nothing. Not a damn thing.

She kicked her tyre and ran a hand through her hair. If they'd been an actual technical issue with the car she would have it fixed in a flash, her small frame wasn't much of a match for mother nature though.

The snow had come down quick, too quick to do anything about it and her shitty car didn't stand a chance.

She checked the trunk for anything she could use, her dad always kept a shovel in his but Feng had never actually got round to buying one. She just had an old umbrella and a jack hammer.

Groaning again she slipped on her gloves and began shovelling some of the snow back with her hands. It was tedious work with the snow falling down as fast as it was and when she stood back to check her progress it didn't look like she'd made much of a difference.

Feng could feel herself starting to tremble so she huffed and got back in the car, contemplating the idea of pipping her horn to the s.o.s code if she got too desperate. She didn't like to be helpless though, she'd been self reliant pretty much her whole life and she wasn't ready for the snow to stop her.

Resting her head on the steering wheel she wondered how far the next town was on foot. She didn't visit her family very often so the journey was still pretty unfamiliar. It would likely take over an hour in this snow and Feng didn't even want to think about what her feet would look like by the end of it.

Pushing down the urge to scream she took a deep breath and sat up again, squinting at the sudden bright lights in front of her. Another car? Thank fuck.

She stepped out into the snow and waved down the vehicle, eyes widening as it got closer and she realised it was a car much more expensive than her own, a car much better suited for the snow as well.

It pulled up beside her and the door opened, revealing a a dark skinned man wearing a well tailored suit and waistcoat. He dipped his head in greeting and stepped out of the car, towering above her at well over six foot.

'Is everything alright Miss?' He asked, eyes hovering over her.

'My car has gotten stuck in the snow, I can't get it moving again.' She told him, pulling her frozen fingers into her jumper sleeves.

'Oh dear, let's have a look shall we.' He pulled out a brown over coat and headed over to her vehicle, popping the hood to look inside.

'I don't think there's anything actually wrong with it.' She told him, peering over his shoulder for anything she'd missed.

'Well what exactly happened?' He asked, checking her oil levels and frowning.

'I was just driving through and my car started to skid a bit so I slowed down and then couldn't get passed this thick part of snow, I think it's fallen down from the trees.'

He nodded and closed the hood before kneeling down to check the wheels.

'I don't think you're going anywhere tonight.' He said, getting up to his feet and brushing his knees off.

Feng felt her heart drop at the confirmation.

'Right, well do you have a phone I can borrow?'

The man laughed and shook his head.

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