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Losing a fellow survivor was harder than they all would have guessed. It was so unexpected, unexplained and it hurt like hell.

Dwight had noticed Jake's downward spiral for sure. He'd been moodier, less hopeful and more unproductive in trials. They'd all been like that though and he'd written it off as a bad spell. But then Jake had left for a trial and never come back. They waited into the night for him, speculating he'd managed to hide away and drag it out out of spite. 

Then days went by and they started to worry. People had gone missing before, Bill said some of them had gone for good- usually people who'd been there for years. Jake hadn't been there that long so Dwight was adamant he was just missing and decided to look for him.

He walked through the woods whenever he wasn't in trial, shouting and screaming in case Jake had gotten lost or trapped somewhere. He searched in trial, wondering if he'd been caught there somewhere. He checked lockers, small corners, the cars in the wreckers yard. He peaked through the little gap in the basement corner at Springwood and still found nothing. No clothes left behind, no prints, nothing.

After weeks had gone by he'd come to the realisation that Jake must have gone for real. Passed away and moved on to whatever there was after this. Heaven maybe. Or hell.

Claudette had come up to him as he sat round the campfire, numb with grief. She didn't say anything, just took his hand in hers and sat with him. He cried a little bit and she let him rest his head on her shoulder.

'I know what he meant to you.' She whispered and that made him cry a but harder.

He got no proper goodbye and no closure. Just the knowledge that the love of his life was probably gone forever, leaving him alone in this dark place.


Dwight sat by the fire, one of Jake's hat's in his hands. He ran his fingers over the fabric, relieved by the small amount of comfort it offered. He saw Ace give him a sad look and he looked away, he didn't like people seeing him like this.

'You okay kid?' Ace asked, taking his hat off and scratching his head.

'Yeah I'm fine.' He replied, stuffing the hat away in his jacket.

The older man gave him a soft look of understanding and got up to take a seat next to him.

'Listen Dwight. I'm not gonna tell you things will get better and that this will all go away with time because you don't need to hear that right now. What I will say is that you can't give in right now, we all need you here.'

He looked up and met Ace's eyes. Honest eyes despite all his trickery.

'You don't need me.' He mumbled, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets

'We do though, we need our leader.'

Dwight groaned at that and smiled a little, his first smile in days.

'Oh shut up Ace.' 

'It seems I've always been incapable of doing that.'

'Yeah I know.'

The two of them laughed together, laughter that turned to silence when the fog started to roll in. They exchanged glances, Dwight sighing and picking up his toolbox, Ace grabbing his lucky hat. 

Meg and Feng joined them at the fire, both carrying flashlights. 

'Hey Ace, bet ya get hooked before me.' Feng said, a smirk on her face.

Ace grinned, a challenging look in his eyes.

'Bet you get hit first.' 

Dwight just smiled, he wasn't going to join in their bets today. He wasn't sure he could even do a gen without blowing it up at the moment. He heard Meg join the betting pool as the fog surrounded them, offering her flashlight she could keep the killer busiest the longest. All the voices started to drift away as they left they fire, the air around him eventually turning silent until he was dropped off in the woods.

Dead By Daylight One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now