015; The Magician and His Assistant

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MOLLY HAD BEEN UNIMPRESSED, TO SAY THE LEAST, WHEN SHE RAN into the two together. It had been late in the evening and they had stopped in at an Italian restaurant for a spot of dinner, when the brunette had walked in, her brown eyes gleaming and her hair tied back in a simple ponytail. Julia had never seen the other woman in casual clothing before, and she had to admit, she was quite beautiful. Sherlock had made casual conversation with the bashful woman, and in the meantime, Julia waited for their food to be finished. It seemed that each time he spoke, he would say something to upset her, which she would respond to with a faltering smile, pretending he was being funny while he stared at her, confused. Their order was cooked and boxed, handed to them carefully in exchange for what little Julia had left from the spending money her aunt had offered her for cleaning the bathroom. If the detective saw, her goose would be cooked. Strolling over to the two with their bags in tow, she drew Sherlock's attention, his eyes immediately brightening up at the sight of her and their food.

"Ah, yes, perfect," he gushed, flashing a radiant smile. The svelte gentleman exchanged the takeout for the drenched umbrella and then offered a curt nod. "Thank you Julie."

"Julie?" Molly echoed.

"A nickname. Quicker and easier on the tongue. Friends typically do that, do they not?" He skirted around her, urging the rosette to the door. "Learn to catch up, Ms. Hooper."

Julia felt her ears turning red and chewed on her bottom lip, offering an apologetic smile. Molly's brown eyes fastened themselves onto Sherlock's back and then returned to the rosette's set. She clearly was just as confused and uncomfortable as the poor hostess behind the counter, who had watched this entire little ordeal with curiosity. They reached the glass entrance and pushed their way outside, the detective immediately striding at a brisk pace, forcing poor Julia to have to jog in order to catch up with him. London was glamorous at night, yet still nonetheless busy. Lights were strung along the traffic lights and the posts, as well as along balconies and flower beds. Windows were illuminated brightly, a beacon in the chilly night. The rain had turned to snow, falling in sparkling wisps and gleaming as each flake reflected London's brilliantly dazzling glow.

The swirling alabaster powder offered an extra touch of whimsy to the holiday cheer in the rosette's heart. Her eyes ghosted to the svelte gentleman beside her, allowing herself to examine him carefully. Sherlock could surely tell she was watching him, yet he did not say a word. Taking a deep breath, she ran her fingers along the handle of her bags. She couldn't help but feel sorry for both of them: the analyst was head-over-heels for an uninterested man, and the detective was specifically avoiding so many unopened doors. It left her curious, as to why he had never really thought of dating. "Have you ever thought of at least giving Molly a chance?" Julia suggested softly, glancing over at him as they strode through the streets, searching for a place to sit together.

"Love is simply a hormonal and chemical imbalance in the brain of which I have never taken interest in exploring," Sherlock droned, refusing to meet her gaze. They carefully slowed their pace at a slope, seeing as their shoes could slip at any moment. "It is nothing short of a mental parasite that turns even the most composed beings into fumbling idiots. I'd prefer to avoid making a fool of myself. Obviously I have no time, either, for I am married to my work and my work alone."

[COMPLETE] 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝 𝕀𝕟 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕎𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕨「Sherlock」Where stories live. Discover now