022; Sincerely, S.H.

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JULIA WAS MORTIFIED. SHE STARED INTO THE MIRROR, trying to catch her breath, every bit of her body vibrating with anger. Sarah's dress was ruined, dinner was ruined, Christmas was ruined. The one moment she thought that her life could possibly go well, and she was standing in the massive bathroom at the restaurant they had so painstakingly picked out, her eyes bloodshot from holding in tears. Her nose had turned pink, her cheeks blotchy from the strain, although not as bright as the sullied surface of the charming evening frock that John's girlfriend had been so kind as to lend her. All she could smell was wine spilled across her torso in one great scarlet spray. Taking a deep breath, she shook her head and reached into her handbag, pulling out one of her pins. Her hair had fallen so nicely after she had washed it that she had decided to keep it down, but now...

The rosette could not even stand the sight of it. Her curls swept up into a twisted fashion, Julia completely negligent at this point. How was she supposed to walk back out there and face Elliot and Sherlock, let alone the entire sea of eyes that had latched onto her on her way to the restroom? She wrapped her arms around her scantily-wrapped frame, the material of her dress sticking to her stomach and leg. Perhaps she should have just stayed home for the evening? Carefully rinsing her hands, she wiped the dark trails of mascara from her eyes and then refreshed it, following with her lips. Julia still could not let Elliot and Sherlock's behaviour go.

Not only had it been horribly embarrassing, but it had left a heavy pit in her stomach, and she was now unsure if she could finish her meal. She leaned closer to the mirror, only to flinch, her tender side beginning to ache once more. Stupid detective, stupid boyfriend. Stupid London with its stupid men! Stepping back and looking at herself in the mirror, she scoffed, unable to take her eyes off the nasty stain upon her skinny frame.

The door shrieked upon its hinges as it swung open, indicating that somebody had entered. "Julie?" John's voice bounced off the tiled walls, his face appearing over her shoulder in the restroom mirrors. Their eyes met and she wilted, looking away.

"What are you doing in here?" she croaked, turning a half-step in order to face him head-on. The doctor's lips were flat as two boards, his grey-blue stones staring right through her. He could see the hurt behind her eyes. "This is the woman's loo..."

"I came to see if you were okay," John slowly appealed, choosing his words carefully. His hands were resting within his pockets, Christmas sweater only comparable to an obnoxious horn blaring into the silence. Their voices bounced off the monochromatic acrylics, reverberating and lingering as if in a cave.

"Do I look okay?" she asked softly, fabricating a smile before allowing it to disappear in the blink of an eye. It was clear that she was effected both physically and emotionally. "I have wine spilled all over your girlfriend's dress, and I lost my temper in front of everybody." John peered at her for a moment further as she turned back to the mirror, examining her sullied garments. She sighed, her shoulders slumping again. "I'm a mess."

[COMPLETE] 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝 𝕀𝕟 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕎𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕨「Sherlock」Where stories live. Discover now