026; Vulnerability Of A Genius

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JULIA WAS JOLTED AWAKE TO FIND THAT SHE WAS NOW LAYING sprawled out in her bed, and lifted herself up, glancing around in a daze. Twisting herself around, she scrubbed a hand over his eyes and began to work her still-swollen lids with the heels of her hands. She checked the time. It was three in the morning, nearly four, the street light outside muffled by her curtains. Her aunt must have come to check on her a little while ago and shut them. Julia sighed and leaned back in her pillows, blinking around the near pitch-black room. For a moment she remained as still as stone, peepers drooping once again, but then she shook her sleepy head and pulled back the sheets. The rosette slipped from their cotton confines and her feet met the carpet of her bedroom floor.

Plodding over without any indication of where she was going, Julia reached for the drapes and pulled them back, wincing against the golden flush of London's street lights, admiring the thick fluffy flakes that fell once her eyes had adjusted. She felt the cool draft seeping in through the glass as her fingers found its surface and sighed, wondering where Elliot was now and what he was doing. Was he sleeping soundly? Was he awake, was he sobbing, heartbroken? One of her hands ran up through her slightly knotted auburn hair, pulling it over her shoulder so it fell comfortably to the side. A chill ran through her, goosebumps standing on end, and she shut the drapes, the room now blacker than ever. Julia made short work of making it to her dresser where she picked up her phone, opening it up out of curiosity. A new message sat at the top of her conversation list, received from an unknown number. Opening it, she smiled as she read it over and over again.

Happy New Year Jewel-bug.

(01/01/12, 12:34AM)

Happy New Year Jim. Rest easy. Xx

(01/01/12, 3:37AM)

Julia shut the flip phone, set it back down and sighed, heading back to bed. Yawning, she shivered as she curled up under the sheets, pulling them up over her head and hugging her knees to her chest. Some time passed, restless images of Elliot after her kidnapping filling her head. He had been so relieved, his eyes worn and tired from staring at the television in 221B for so long. He had drank his sixth cup of tea, unable to shake the tremor in his hands... and he had held her so close, as if he hadn't seen her for years. Julia's teeth began to grit and she rolled back over, tugging down her pillow and clinging to it helplessly. A few tears rolled from her tightly-sealed eyes, managing to escape and disappear into the fabric of her bolster without a trace.

She fell deeply, back into the stupor of early morning darkness, like a soup, engulfing her in tar. It wasn't until the sound of John's shouting awoke her. The young woman sat up so quickly that she felt as if her head may fly off its joint. Her entire body had jerked in surprise, wrenching her neck and sore ribs, earning a groan from her. Julia ran her hands up through her hair and bowed her head for a moment, her heart hammering in her chest. What were the two of them arguing about now? Her eyes found the alarm clock at her bedside table. It was five in the bloody morning? The rosette slithered from her bed the moment she heard the sound of John's strained voice.

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