▪️◾️NOT AGAIN◾️▪️

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🍬You can listen to the peaceful instrumental music 🦋

Kyungsoo decided to head for a morning walk for some mind rest. ken was still sleeping though, but she didn't want to wake him up so she quietly walked out from the house. As soon as she swung the door open, she steps outside into the chill of the morning air. It brought smiles to Kyungsoo's face then she hears some noises.

she sensed somebody is already out in the neighborhood. She turned her head to the direction of the noise. she saw auntie locking her front door as she was ready to go to work.

Kyungsoo greeted her tiredly since she could only sleep for two hours due to the night before, it was especially intense. After a little talk they decided to walk together and have a cup of tea on their way.

It is a good idea because the air is so fresh and cool in the morning. However being in the beginning of winter it is still dark out there. They walk under the street lights towards their destination.

On the way they see people already on their way to work. Some are in their cars. Some ride motorcycles and some wait for their buses by the road. Kyungsoo can see some school children too. Some of them are waiting near the yet unopened gate of their school, They are so early. This reminded a lot of good old days Of her and her school friends which she smiled unknowingly at the thought of them.

She too have to go to work but She does not have to go that early. They reached to the tea stall that has opened for business. She can see some dark figures huddled under the stall. these people seems to be having their breakfast. She can see the stall owner pulling a mug of tea. The stall is situated under the street lamp, so it is not completely dark. It is clever of the owner to position his stall. thus, he saves on having to light up his stall. Kyungsoo and auntie were enjoying their tea with some cheese toasts, chatting about regular stuff.

Auntie sipped her remaining tea and spoke as she sat back comfortably on the wooden chair.

"You know....this sweet guy Chanyeol " she fixed her eyes on Kyungsoo as to figure out how she will react at her talking about the guy.

Kyungsoo bit on her toast as she gestured for auntie to go on.

"what about Chanyeol?"

Auntie smiles and says " well he asked about you....More like to know you better "

she chuckles at Kyungsoo's confused expression.

"What did he say?" Kyungsoo asked curiously.

"Calm down. he just wanted to know what time do you finish evening work usually "

As auntie stands up and ready to leave, she said one last sentence.

"He really cares for you little soo...... I can see it in his eyes"

She left Kyungsoo surprised and uncertain to why this man wants to be with her so badly. There is nothing special about her...or that's what she thought.

the eastern sky is beginning to light up. She can see the first crack of dawn against the dark sky. Soon the sun will rise and the day will begin.

From somewhere among the trees She can hear a song being played called she's dreaming. its a sweet song for Kyungsoo and It is so pleasant to hear it. Other birds start up too. Soon there is a chorus of twittering and chattering all around her.

However She have to leave these beautiful sounds behind

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However She have to leave these beautiful sounds behind. She finishes her drink and pay for it. She is going home to get ready for work and to make some breakfast for ken.

Suddenly a nice soft soothing voice could be heard from behind her saying 'excuse me'.

As to who would it be, she turned around and all of a sudden she had flashbacks from last night at the sight in front of her. she saw a guy with a black baseball cap covering his upper head was towering over her seat.

The man's lips curved into a sweet smile when he saw Kyungsoo's terrifyed look.

His next words made chills run down her spine and to be ready for

escaping ...

" found you "

Ayo readers warrap?😎

Okay I'm sorry for being gone for so long but I promise I will make it up for you guys and I'm already working on several chapters 😊

I am Thankful to all of you ( readers, commenters and voters ) I really appreciate you guys.

Be happy and healthy
Peace out 🐶

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