18. Despondent

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in low spirits from loss of hope or courage

Who actually enjoyed bars aside from sociable young women, horny men, and alcoholics?

Definitely not Tyler.

He hated the loud chatter, the loud music, the intense smell of alcohol. He hated the way men eyed him like pray and girls eyed Josh like he was a meal.

He hated it and wanted to go home but him and Josh were two drinks deep and it was too late to turn back now.

They were sitting at the bar, Tyler with a tequila in hand and Josh with beer. Beer was so nasty. How could anybody in their right mind drink that shit for fun?

"Having a good time?" Josh asked, raising his voice over the obnoxious rap music playing in the background.

"I guess," Tyler yelled back, although he was extremely bored and hardly even drunk. He didn't necessarily want to get drunk, but that's the whole point of going to a bar.

"Wanna do shots?"

"I guess," he repeated, listening as Josh asked the bartender for four shots of vodka, two each.

Shit, this was going to definitely fuck Tyler up.

They went down smoothly, despite the burning in Tyler's chest and the strong urge to spit the liquid right back in the bartender's face. But he didn't. He drank it like a man should and he didn't complain.

"Dann, look at you," Josh grinned, leaning in closer to wrap his arm around the brunette's waist.

"You're hot," Tyler blurted in return, both men erupting into a fit of giggles.

"You're hotter."

"I want another shot."

So, they both downed another. In only a matter of minutes, Tyler's vision was blurry and his mind was foggy. He wasn't thinking straight at all, especially not when he said to Josh, "I want you to fuck me."

"Right here, right now?" Josh slurred, making a ridiculous face as he winked.

"I don't know," Tyler laughed, leaning in so their foreheads were touching. "I love you."

"I love you more, baby."

"Shit, I have to pee soooo bad," he groaned, eyebrows scrunched together.

"Go, then," Josh grinned. "I'll be right here waiting for you."

"Okay, I'm going. I love you. Don't forget! I love you so much. I'm gonna go pee now," Tyler rambled, most of his words jumbled together and most constanants drawn out.

"I love you too so much," Josh responded, making Tyler's heart nearly pound out of his chest because gosh it felt great to hear him say that.

Carefully, slowly, he stumbled his way through everybody and into the bathroom. But he forgot to read the sign and there ended up being a women inside, so he apologized and ran out.

He doubled checked the sign on the men's door, not fully trusting it, but he was relieved when he saw the urinals inside. It truly felt like he accomplished something as great as landing on the moon.

So after his five minute adventure of finding and entering the right bathroom, Tyler tried to hurry up and go pee because he missed Josh already. Unfortunately, he was rushing so much he got pee all over his shoes so now he had to take them off and wash them in the sink because, who the hell wants pissy shoes?

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