Chapter 4- Keeping it together

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It was a shock that no one ever came up to Chase thinking he as Jack. He stopped questioning it months ago. He's never once been approached by fans asking for pictures. Which is a relief. If they did recognize him, then he'd have to just play along, probably agree to a few picture, which he didn't mind. What worried him was the fact that they'd probably get posted online. Then it would only be a matter of before he was found again.

Yet that didn't happen. He was sitting in Starbucks, drinking his latte, not once being recognized. He wasn't thought of as "the Jacksepticeye," he was just regular old Chase. There was some kind of bliss in that. Just being himself for once, not an ego, not a figment that popped up because of the fandom. There was a sense of control for once.

Chase looked down at his watch, realizing what time it was, he started packing his laptop away into his backpack. He started heading out, but something was triggered inside of him. The sound of sirens rang in the distance. As it grew closer, Chase was frozen, just watching as an ambulance sped through the streets, then out of sight.

For a while, he just stood there, looking in the distance. He shook his head, sighing heavily. "Damn it," He muttered under his breath. Everywhere he looked, no matter how small it was, there was always something that reminded him of the others. Comic book shops, starter magic kits for kids. It didn't help that his elderly neighbor sometimes played her old record a little too loud. Ironic really.

Chase shook his head again, pushing all that back, and headed back to his apartment. While he was walking though he couldn't help but feel like he was being followed. He was discreet about it, but he kept looking over his shoulder. In the last three months, Chase had learn a few tactics to help him stay hidden in plain sight. He kept his phone to his side and used the reflection to look behind him. He'd watch as cars as they passed him and follow where they went to make the illusion that when he turned around, his focus was on the car.

By the time he reached his apartment complex, he was completely alone. He hadn't seen anyone watching him, but that didn't mean there was no one there. He entered the main building on the opposite side that he normally would. He went up two floors above his floor, walked to the other end of the complex, and went down to his floor. Chase knew he was taking the most convoluted way home, but he need to be cautious in case he actually was being followed.

Once he was at his door, he fumbled with his keys, finally getting his door opened. He ran inside, closing the door quickly behind him, double locking it. Chase ran his finger through his hair. Taking deep breaths in and out. It was fine, no one saw him. The halls were empty when he went in. He was fine. Chase kept telling himself over and over.

Chase went to his window and peeked out it. He didn't really see anyone, which calmed him a little. Chase tried to relax, so he walked away from the window and made himself some popcorn. Popcorn and a movie, that was a good idea.

Chase sat on the arm rest of his couch flipping through Netflix looking for a movie. He finally settled on Inception. He didn't understand it the first time he saw so maybe it would make more sense if he watched it again. chase laughed to himself, remembering what happened the last time he saw it.

The egos were all settled in the living room. Jackie and Schneeplestein had gotten into an argument about the ending. This was long before Jameson showed up. Jackie insisted that there was no way it was still a dream, but Schneep wasn't so sure. Maybe it was just how he was talking, or the fact that Henrik was pretty much the smartest one of them, but he was giving some pretty damning evidence. Chase and Marvin were just watching the whole thing go on, eventually eating the other two's popcorn as well. That lead to a different argument once Jackie and Schneep had finished going at each other. Schneep, who was usually the more mature ego of the group, was the one that started it by throwing a pillow in Marvin's face. The night ended with them collectively cleaning up pillow fluff and popcorn bowls while laughing and playing ridiculous music.

Chase jumped when the microwave suddenly went off. He'd gotten distracted again with that stuff, not even realizing what was going on around him. chase groaned and just went to get his snack. He vaguely thought maybe he should watch something else, but didn't want to spend another 20 minutes trying to find a movie that didn't make him think of his old life. God, how had Henrik done this? ... Maybe a beer would be nice too.

He wasn't even halfway through the movie when he heard a knock at the door. Chase paused the movie an stood up. It was 11 at night, who could be there? Before opening the door, he peeked through the peephole. He gasped, a mixture of emotions and thoughts going through his head. He questioned whether or not he should open the door. He stood there for a good minute contemplating, then there was another knock, more aggressive this time. "Come on Chase, this is serious. Open up," the familiar voice said.

Hearing the sincerity in his voice, Chase finally opened the door. "Jackie," He muttered, looking at the other ego standing with him. "Jameson. What brings you to this part of the neighborhood?" He asked sarcastically.

Jackie smirked. "Oh you know, we were just in the area."

This chapter is actually rather funny to me, because I was typing this while at Starbucks, and an ambulance actually drove past which is what gave me the idea. Although I live right down the road from a hospital so that's pretty common.

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