Chapter 7- Half of what was

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Walking back into the old cabin after months of being away, Chase felt a sense of familiarity. He felt at home again. Though something still wasn't the same. It didn't feel right knowing that Marvin wasn't in his room practicing some new trick. It didn't feel right knowing that there is the possibility that he could be in danger. None of it felt right.

Chase was standing in the living room, just standing there. It was late, so Jackie had just gone to bed when they returned. Jameson walked up behind Chase, gently rubbing his back. He turned to the mute ego, noticing the empathetic look on his face. He didn't need to try and read his expression. It was obvious what he was trying to say. It wasn't anything specific it was just meant to be a gesture of comfort.

Chase smiled at Jameson, the way the mute man looked was so happy, but there was a layer of a lie there too. Part of him was still hurting, he could see. "Hey Jamie," He muttered, turning towards him. He opened his mouth to speak, but all words dried up. How could he just walk out? These guys were the closest thing he'd ever have to a family. They cared about each other and in their hardest time, he just walked out. Now everything Marvin said that night just hit ten times stronger. "I'm sorry I left you guys. I don't know what I was thinking. I didn't put any of you all into consideration at all. It was wrong."

Jameson sighed heavily, rubbing the others shoulder. He pulled away, gesturing to Chase then himself. He then shook his head, as if to say no. Then, with a more serious face, he pointed towards Jackie's room nodding.

Chase breathed out. "Yeah, I know. I should be telling him that. I will though, but for tonight we should all get some sleep," Jameson nodded, giving the other man a reassuring pat on the back. Chase watched as Jameson walked into his and Jackie's shared room. Something about him, Chase couldn't put it, but something just told him that there was more behind him than what meets the eye. Chase shook his head, deciding to take his own advice.

The next morning, chase woke up slightly confused.This wasn't his apartment room. It took him a minute to realize where exactly he was, then he remembered coming back to the cabin with Jackie and JJ. He ran his hands through his hair, this would take some getting used to again.

Once he was awake, Chase showered, then left to get breakfast. Walking out of the bathroom, he could already smell Jamie's amazing cooking wafting through the air. Oh how he missed that. Jamie and Jackie were setting plates of food on the dining table. "Well good morning," Jackie greeted. Chase just smiled back. "You're just in time, breakfast is ready."

The three sat down, passing the plates around, and digging into the food. Jackie and Chase exchanged small stories while Jamie gave vague gestures about them. Even though they were all laughing, having a good time for now, Chase couldn't shake the dreaded feeling that loomed over his head. Two seats were empty. They shouldn't be.

After they all finished, Jamie suddenly stood up and gestured to the front door. Jackie nodded. "It's cool dude. We'll clean up here," Jamie smiled, signing a "thank you," then leaving.

"Where's he going?" Chase asked.

"You remember the electromagnetic field we set up around the cabin to keep Anti out?" Chase nodded. They made that a long time ago. "Well he's just going to check on it. Ya know, make sure everything is still running properly. He hasn't checked it since before Marvin disappeared so I'm sure he's itching to check it." Chase nodded. That made sense. Anti destroyed Jamie's first invention, the nightmare cube. That was something he put so much work into, seeing it destroyed couldn't have been pleasant. It made sense that he'd want to keep his current devices up and running.

Chase was shook from his thoughts when Jackie stood up, stacking plates in his hands. "You gonna help me?" He teased.

Chase smiled. "I don't know, you seem to have a handle on it," Jackie laughed, rolling his eyes and he took the plates to the kitchen. Chase followed him, carrying the cups and silverware.

The two worked out a system. Jackie wash, Chase dry and put away. It got to a point where it became a slight competition. Jackie was hurrying to leave Chase with a stack of dishes to dry off. By the time the hero was done, Chase had that stack. Jackie leaned against the counter in the middle of the kitchen. "Hurry up slowpoke!" He teased. Chase looked back, aiming the sprayer at him. Jackie's eyes widened. "You wouldn't."

Chase kept his gaze on the hero, not flinching for a good minute. "Try me bitch," He said. They stared at each other for a while before Chase just laughed, putting the sprayer back down.

Jackie chuckled nervously under his breath, waiting for the other to finish. He could have helped, but this was more fun. Chase could feel the man behind him. Even though he'd just looked at him seconds ago, feeling his presence was much worse. It was like a huge weight of guilt just resting on his back. It was getting hard to handle.

Finally, Chase took a deep breath. "Look Jackie," He started, not even turning around. "I'm sorry I left you guys. I know it was wrong, honestly looking back I don't know why I did it. It was stupid, just walking away from you guys like that." He was shaking now.

"Chase," Jackie muttered.

Chase ignored him, he had more to say. "I left you all when we should have stayed together. We were all hurting and I just had to put salt on the wound."

"Chase!" Jackie raised his voice this time. "Look at me bro."

He hesitated, but finally turned to the hero. He was leaning against the counter with his arms crossed. He didn't seem angry or happy, he just look complacent. Like he had come to terms with all that had happened a long time ago. "I'm not mad. I know why you left. That doesn't mean I was okay with it but, we all had our own ways of dealing with Schneep's death. I threw myself into my work. Jamie barely left his room for weeks, he just locked himself away, constantly building new devices. When he did go out, it'd be to take out his anger of the nearest dead tree. As for Marvin, he worked his ass off trying to keep us together. He wanted to be like you. Always there for each other. Making sure we didn't overwork ourselves. Ironically he ended up doing it the most," Jackie took a step forward, holding onto Chase's shoulder. "We all took our own way to cope. You're here now, that's all I'm worried about."

Chase let out the breath he didn't even know he was holding in. "Sounds like he's really grown up."

Jackie chuckled. "You have no idea."

The two suddenly jumped by the sound of knocking. They looked over and Jamie was banging of the kitchen window from outside. He gestured for them to come out. The two had no idea what could have made Jameson that panicked of an expression, but regardless, they knew it couldn't be good.

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