Chapter 5- Falling apart

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Chase quickly let Jackie and JJ in, he didn't really want to attract any attention from his neighbors. Jackie looked around the apartment. He peeked in the living room, chuckling to himself. "Inception?"

Chase just shrugged. "I needed to pick something. So," Jamie stepped next to Jackie. "How did you guys find me?"

Jackie laughed a little. "Funny thing is, we've known where you were since the day you left. We just thought it was best to give you some space," Jackie explained.

Chase let out an exasperated groan. "Marvin I assume. How thoughtful. So why'd you decide to come bother me now?" He asked, becoming more and more annoyed by the second.

The other two's faces dropped. Jamie looked to Jackie with concern. Jackie looked back, then finally turned to Chase. "Marvin went missing a few days ago," He finally said. It hit Chase like a bus. His blood went cold, and he could feel the goosebumps form on his skin. "At first we thought he just went out early to do another street performance. He'd sometimes leave early in the morning and come home late. But when he wasn't at the cabin the next day, that's when we started to get worried. It's been three days. We checked his room. Nothing is missing, no note, nothing. It's like he just vanished."Jackie's face turned rather grave. "We're worried that somehow Anti might have gotten to him."

Chase could feel his body betray him. Trying to force him into a panic, but he had to remain calm. "How do you know he didn't just leave like I did?"

Jackie shook his head. "Come on man, does that sound like Marvin to you? Even if he did, he would've at least told us," Jackie said. His expression turned slightly sour. "He's not like some of us," JJ lightly slapped him with the back of his hand.

"Excuse me?" Chase asked aggressively. Was he seriously going to start this?

"Oh I'm sorry starting to feel guilty about walking out on your family?" Jackie asked, ignoring Jamie's looks.

"What good were you huh? You were there why didn't you do something?" Chase challenged.

Jackie huffed. "Oh so you're gonna start blaming me now?"

"Why not? You started blaming me. So come on Jackie. What's your excuse? You're the hero right, it's not like you've done much saving though," Chase hadn't meant to say that. He really didn't, it just came out. Jackie's eyes filled with rage. He pushed Chase against the wall, pulling his fist back like he was about to punch him.

Chase closed his eyes, grabbing onto the arm pressed against his chest, trapping him in place. He waiting for it to come, not like he didn't deserve it though. But it never came.

Slowly, he opened his eyes. Jackie's hands were shaking, and tears were pouring down his cheeks. Chase had never seen Jackie cry. Not even when they lost Henrik did he actually seen the hero cry. He'd been too full of rage at that time. He couldn't help but feel guilty now. "Jackie," He tried to get out.

Jackie dropped his arms Jamie came up to him rubbing his back gently. His eyes stayed on Chase the whole time. "It's not like I didn't try!" He sobbed out. "I did! I swear I did! I..." He let out a shaky breath, his shoulders dropping. "I've missed you Chase, okay. We all have," He finally said.

Chase knew he was being sincere. He stepped forward, holding onto the hero's shoulders before pulling him into a hug. "I know Jackie. I've missed you guys too," He held onto Jackie tightly. He hadn't realized how true that really was. Even before he left, the two weren't very close. He always wished that was different.

Jackie wiped his face, still holding onto Chase. "I'm done losing my friends." He pulled away. His face was strong, and he held his ground. "Please, we need to find him."

Chase chuckled. "You don't need me to do that."

"Not really, but I don't want to without you." Jackie laughed along with the other two. It was a moment he didn't think get again for a log time. Even through the chaos and madness, he could still depend on Chase. He still had his weird, broken family

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