Chapter 15- Yet he still fights

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  [Just a heads up, this one is pretty long. Also I'm gonna add this in just in case, slight self-harm at the end so this is your warning!


 It's not over. It would never be over. That decision was made when they lost Henrik, and then reinforced by losing Marvin. None of them wanted to believe it but now it was a part of life they had to accept. That's what brought them here.

Chase, Jackie, and Jamie were all standing on the opposite side of an electric fence. There was nothing going through it. An abandoned electric power plant, completely empty of any power. A place that could drain a location of power right from under someone's nose, a place completely connected to the grid. This had to be where Anti was. Jackie turned to Chase, held the stare for a moment, then nodded. Chase bent down to one knee, cutting through the fence with wire cutters.

Anti looked over his toys. His prized possessions. His puppets. A smirk holding a strong look on his face. "Can you see them?" He asked the magician.

He closed his eye, allowing his third to open. "They're cutting the fence as we speak," He replied with no hesitation.

"Good," Anti smiled. He held out a black sturdy mask. "You'll want this, my little Dark Trickster," The mask was long enough that it would cover his whole face. It had green markings above the eyes, and red marks up the cheek bones. Around the eyes was a white ring. Trickster held it, looking at the mask, mesmerized by the bright green eye symbol in the center forehead.

Suddenly, his face jolted up. "They've broken through," He said. Anti looked back smiling.

"Perfect," He turned back to the two. "They want to take you from me. Dear Plague doctor, can you make sure that we have sedatives for our guests?" Plague nodded, putting on his raven mask and walking to his lab. Once he was gone, Anti turned to the magician. "Trickster," Anti reach one hand up, gentle running it across his chin. His touch was gentler now, his expression kind and calm, searching for understanding. "Do you see it? Do you know now why I've taken you two?" He asked, almost pleaded.

Trickster looked down at the glitch, an equally gentle expression on his face. "I see it. I understand."

Anti's lip twitched into almost a smile, before pulling his hand away. "Good," He looked to the door. "These men are broken. Let's put them back together in a new way. I want you by my side."

The magician nodded, looking back at the mask in his hand. His attention was brought up when he heard a strong banging on the metal door someone trying to get in. He quickly strapped it on, tying it in the back of his head. He put out his hands, allowing a cloud of dark smoke to engulf the room. He turned to Anti before disappearing into the fog.

After about five full body shoves against the door, Jackie finally broke the lock. When they entered the dark room, they were met with a dark fog. Chase stepped closer to the other two egos. "Stay close guys," He whispered. "Don't let Anti get any of us alone," The other two nodded, but Chase could barely see it. This fog was so dense.

The three began slowly walking through, Jackie and Jamie ready to fight, Chase with his gun locked and loaded. Chase lifted his gun in one direction suddenly. Jackie and Jamie looked the way he was pointed, but saw nothing. "I saw something moving in the fog," He explained. They couldn't see a thing though.

Jackie was beginning to get frustrated. "Anti!" He yelled suddenly. "Show yourself!"

"You can't hide from us forever!" Chase added.

The three froze when a low snicker rumbled through the air. "Who said I was hiding?" They heard his glitched voice call. "Come and find me."

"If you can," The voice came at them from different directions. they couldn't pinpoint its location.

Chase leaned in close to Jackie, keeping his eyes on the fog. "Maybe we should split up," He whispered.

Jackie looked back at him like he was crazy. "Absolutely not. That's what he wants us to do. We stick together."

Suddenly, something, or someone, jumped at Jamie. The two looked back at the man now pinning the dark ego to the ground. They went to pull him off, but suddenly he was gone, leaving Jamie on his back, shaking in fear. Chase went down on one knee to help his friend. "Jamie, you okay?" Jamie nodded, though he was still visibly shaking. The mute man looked down at his arm. His eyes widened when he saw the three deep cuts in his arm. "Anti," Chase mumbled. Though he wasn't sure. These marks weren't as clean cut as marks from a knife, it looked almost like an animal's claw marks.

Chase helped Jamie stand, the mute man now holding his arm to keep it from bleeding too much. Jackie looked back noticing the cut. "Maybe we should go, we might be better off trying again when we have the advantage," Chase was about to respond, but suddenly he felt something wriggling against his ankle. He looked down and saw a thick electric wire slither around his ankle before pulling him down and into the fog. He saw Jackie and Jamie reach for him before they disappeared from his view.

"Jackie! Jamie!" He called, grabbing at the wire, trying to free himself. The snake-like creature suddenly stopped pulling him, but before he could stand, a figure pounced on him, grabbing both arms and pinning him to the ground. Chase felt their nails digging deep into his skin. He winced at the pain, trying to wiggle free. The person pinned his hands above Chase's head with one hand. Chase's eyes finally recovered from the shock and he looked up to see a masked man, holding a syringe of some kid of liquid. The masked man leaned in with the needle.

Chase continued to fight the man above him. He froze when their eyes locked. Ocean blue looking into a dark, septic green. The masked man hesitated. Chase felt his grip loosen and took his opportunity to get free. He threw the man off, taking the syringe from his hand, breaking in on the concrete floor. Chase fought with the masked man. More cords began to tangle around Chase's feet. The masked man seemed to be trying to get him away more than anything. Though he didn't notice, the fog around him began to lift, making his gaze of the mask man clearer.

He could finally make out the features of the mask. He could tell what it was, and it made him freeze. It was a cat. Wires wrapping around him? Dark fog instead of static. That wasn't like Anti. that was more like someone else. Chase had the man pinned now, weak cords grabbing at him now. Chase reached forward and pulled off the mask. "Marvin? Is that you buddy?"

Marvin began fighting Chase off. "No!" He screamed. His voice was layered with static. Chase could hear glitched sobs coming from the other. His eyes flashing from green to blue, back to green. Over and over again. Marvin was clearly fighting for control.

"Marvin, listen to me. Whatever happened to you, you need to fight it!"

Marvin struggled beneath the other. "He left you," He said, though it didn't seem to be directed at Chase. Marvin's attacks grew more aggressive now.

"I know, I know I did. I'm sorry I left, but I'm here now. Come on buddy, I don't know what you've been through but you have to fight it!" He pleaded. He was going to do anything to get through to Marvin. Something was toying with his head.

Marvin looked up at Chase, his eyes now dark and grave. "You're right," His voice was thick with static. "You don't know what I've been through. You could never know!" He suddenly threw Chase off of him.

Chase looked up at the magician, his third eye was wide opened, tar black and green now. His eyes went wide when he saw his hands. They were coated black, with long claw growing from his fingers. He looked like he was about to pounce, but something stopped him. Marvin winced in pain, head falling into his hands. "No, no, no," He muttered. He was still fighting. "Get it out, get it out, get out of my head!" Chase stood up, slowly getting closer to the magician.

"Marv, buddy, fight it! You're stronger than Anti!" Chase looked back, noticing the fog was cleared. He could see Jackie and Jamie fighting Anti now.

Marvin wasn't in control of his body. He fought with the drug to keep control. He needed to get it out of him. That drug was what Anti was using to control him. It needed to get out.

Without a thought, Marvin brought his hand around his throat. He sunk his claws into his skin, pulling them down, cutting deep scars into the sides of his throat. Chase ran forward to stop him, but hesitated. His blood was pitch black. Marvin screamed, it felt like venom leaving his body. It was worse than any of the injections he'd been given. Then the pan was just... gone. Marvin dropped to his knees. He looked up at Chase, and smirked. "What took you so long?"

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