(60) love melts away like Snow...

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Okay so I have no idea where this came from I just started writing and didn't stop.

This is more of a savitar and caitlin story then anything else so...

I hope you enjoy it.


50% of the population had a soulmate identifying mark.


50% didn't have a soulmate identifying mark.

Caitlin snow didn't have a soulmate identifying mark, neither did Barry Allen or Cisco Ramon. It was one of the first things they'd bonded as friends over.

It had been late at night and Dr. Wells had gone home and they'd all been coming up with away to track meta humans spesficailly when Barry had told them that the girl he'd been I love with forever had met her soulmate while he was in a coma.

He'd told them how he'd been with iris when they were kids when her soulmate mark first appeared, he said they'd been inspecting insects with a magnifying glass when it had happened.

"I thought mine would appear after hers but it didn't but I kept waiting...then Eddie happened...and the wait was over"

"There's still a chance for us though right? We're not 30 yet"

Caitlin had rolled her eyes "we don't need a soulmate identifying mark to tell us who we have to love. Ronnie was my soulmate and I don't need a silly drawing on my skin to tell me that"

Barry looked at her slightly suprised.

"I used to think soulmate identifying marks were a blessing but now I think there for stupid people who can't open there eyes and see what's right in front of them"

The room fell into silance what she already knew, Barry and cisco didn't think about it like that, they thought that a soulmate mark was a blessing.

2 years after that convasation Cisco got a soulmate identifying mark or a SIM for short.

She saw the look on Barry's face when Cisco told them the good news and she knew that even though she wouldn't admit it she felt the same thing as Barry.

She wanted a SIM to. She'd lost Ronnie and she belived he was her soulmate but they say that you can have more then one and caitlin was too young to already know that she was going to die alone because now she was to stupid to see what was right in front of her.

Then she met Jay and she knew he wasn't her soulmate she didn't get that feeling around him.

But he had the same beliefs as her when it came to soulmates.

But then it turned out he was zoom, he stole Barry's speed and then he stole her.

The entire time he had her he kept telling her that they were soulmates, they were ment to be even if they didn't have SIM. He told her that he loved her and that one day she'd love him to because they were soulmates.

Then he let her go because he loved her.

As it turns out Barry who she thought was dead wasn't dead.

Then there was the race and then there were 2 Barry's and for a few seconds her heart felt...better.

But then there was one Barry and she cried herself to sleep for 2 weeks. While clutching her arm with the new SIM on it.

She never thought she'd get one but a tiny part of her had always hoped, her SIM was beautiful she always imagined it would be it was a lightening bolt surrounded by lots of small detailed little snowflakes in the crook of her arm.

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