The Turning Point

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At The Rochambeau Bridge, Combine American and British troops were lining their dead up in a straight line. The Stormtroopers were piled up with their blasters in a big pile, next to them. They could see the battle was coming closer to an end, leveling int their favor. As they pile up and line up the dead, Cloud had an idea. Taking a body of Dead Stormtrooper, he was going in disguise as a stormtrooper. He asked James and Martin to be in disguise as well. When the time is right, attack The Imperials and take them prisoner. At The John Philip Sousa Bridge, U.S. 24th Clone Marine Regiment & United States Clone Colonel Doom's 51st U.S. Clone Infantry Regiment was defending an Imperial attack, lead by Imperial Major Shadar Searbea. Doom, himself, received a blaster wounds in the leg and the hand. Still, he carried on. With one hope, he ordered a charge that took Major Searbea and his men prisoner. The Stormtroopers threw down their blasters and surrendered. As the prisoners were lined up, Major Searbea picked up a blaster and shot Colonel Doom in the heart, mortally wounding him. Troops seized Major Searbea and placed him in handcuffs. He would be tried for murder of a U.S. Military Officer. Meanwhile, Echore was defeating The Jedi Apartments from Imperial Colonel Virdea Longkinn's attack. Darth Nilo left to find Jay and to take him prisoner. During Echore's fight, Colonel Longkinn failed to see General Lyons's 1st Militia swung behind her and her unit. Lyons instructed his The 1st Militia to yell like furies. Giving a high pitched Rebel Yell, The Men of The 1st Militia attack, taken Longkinn by surprise. Meanwhile, Darth Nilo and Jay kept on fighting. The two lock sabers until Jay broke the lock and stood there, staring at each other.

Darth Nilo: Had enough, old man.

Jay: Not really...I can keep going.

Darth Nilo: You can't defeat me....I'm strong in the Dark Side. You're spark for hope is gone, The Jedi will never return And when I defeat you....I will kill every Jedi.

Jay: Amazing. Every word of what you just said...was wrong. The Rebellion lives on Hope. The Jedi will return And we will not be The Last of The Jedi. If you wish....Strike me down in anger and I'll always be with you. If you strike down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

And with that, Nilo charged at Jay in hopes of slicing him down, but Jay jumped over and landed behind her and sliced off Nilo's left leg, just below the knee cap, and right arm, just below the elbow. Nilo was taken by surprise. She turned and saw Jay pointed his lightsabers at her while summoning, Nilo's lightsaber to him.

Jay: You are beaten...surrender.

Angry and without any options, she surrender and just in time. U.S. Marines picked up Nilo and took her away. Clipping his lightsabers on his belt, he rushed off to link up with his unit. Meanwhile, The 1st Militia clashed with Longkinn's unit. Immortal Continental Baum rushed over and took Longkinn prisoner. The men continue to clash with The Stormtoopers. Sergeant Peter Mason Jackson watched as his pards clash with The Stormtroopers. As Private Rufus Dawes Greene rushed up, Sergeant Jackson got his attention.

Sergeant Jackson: Hey, Rufus....Can you believe, friend?

Private Greene: What? What is it?

Sergeant Jackson: The Guys...It looks like you got your Iron Brigade back. Right?

Private Greene: Yeah...They fight just like the boys from The 6th Wisconsin.

Sergeant Jackson: Yep...Just like them.

As the men captured and killed Stormtroopers, helping securing this point. Echore and Codycob order their troops to stand fast. Then, An Inquisitor came out and charged towards Echore. Before he could get closer, a purple blade pierce from behind The Inquisitor, killing him instantly. The Inquisitor's lifeless body fell to the ground. Echore looked up this mysterious figure. They could not see his face. His face was completely hidden by his cloak. What was surprising is this stranger is holding Mace Windu's Lightsaber. How did this stranger get a hold on Mace Windu's Lightsaber and what's it doing on here on Earth? They stood in complete silence as the battle rages on. Suddenly, The Figure spoke.

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