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tomholland2013, irisgarcia and 194,639 others liked this!mariafranco: if anyone knows any dumb boys I can fall in love with to get over my current dumb boy of choice hmu

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tomholland2013, irisgarcia and 194,639 others liked this!
mariafranco: if anyone knows any dumb boys I can fall in love with to get over my current dumb boy of choice hmu

username1: how about u hmu

username2: god I love u

username3: how abt u tell me who london is and we'll see abt it

jfoster: you do seem to have a type here

mariafranco: well I mean I did fall for vienna so I must be into dumb boys hUh jfoster

username4: bABY 🤧💞

username5: uGh drunk posting maria is a bABE

username6: we love a wine mom!

username7: damn :/ I always kinda envisioned her as a vodka aunt username6

username8: damn maria put the girls away

username9: ily ily ily ily

irisgarcia: you know what they say? dumbasses attract — you'll have a new one to cry over in no time!

mariafranco: you're mean & I'm sleeping in the tub irisgarcia

irisgarcia: aw dude not again — your sobs ECHO in there mariafranco

mariafranco: eH sounds like a you problem irisgarcia

irisgarcia: at least I can have my girlfriend over without you bothering us this way mariafranco

mariafranco: sure you can kiddo irisgarcia

username10: how do maria and tom holland know each other ???

username11: hot diggity dog

username12: big mood

username13: iris and maria's friendship kills me

username14: at least your heartbreak makes good music ((:

username15: yeah girl harmonise and autotune those sobs username14 mariafranco

username16: get over someone by getting under someone ya feel

username17: forget about falling in love all over again — focus on your art!!

username18: agreed!! focus on something else, it really helps ❤️username17

username19: sLUT

mariafranco: u know me so well🤪🤪 username19

username20: every boy I know is dumb

username21: me, 2 days after swearing myself off love and relationships for good

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