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damn it

what ??

idk how the internet do it
these detectives always figure everything out

tf are you talking abt dude

they realised that I'm vienna
it's a tragic miracle )):

well I mean
I wonder how they managed it
you and I have been nothing but subtle about it

I know !!!
ur fans are too clever for their own good ://

you're so dumb
I hate u sm

also like I wanted to check in on you
because I've seen a couple people suspecting that tom is london and ik you'll have seen it
and idk
I worry
about iris
because if you're not feeding her then she must be wasting away

you guys have CLEARLY been talking to one another too much

we just discuss all the dumb things you do
it's fun
and we have a lot of material to work our way through

oh sure
you're one to talk, jacob

hey I'm a moron and I own it
it's a good look on me
but what isn't

since when was being a moron a look

more of A Look™️
but eh
ya know ??

you know what, jake
I do not know
not at all
I'm not sure anyone does bc you're not making an ounce of sense rn

maybe you should like ,,,
come outta your room and catch up with the goings on of the world

have you been talking to iris??
because, like, don't listen to
I'm not as mopey and sad as she's making me sound
I'm just focusing on my wORK
bc I need to to make money

idk bc I've been here for three hours now and you still haven't surfaced from your room
I'm sat here
all alone
except for iris and karis
but alone
just waiting for my best friend ://


get outta your room and see for yourself loser

She doesn't even stop to think, just pushes the notes she's been working on aside and rushes out of her room.

Sure enough, Jake is there. Arms outstretched and a brilliantly smug look on his face.

It's been so long, but the way he holds her tightly is the same as it's always been and she's instantly filled with warmth.

Of all of her boys, Jake — Vienna — is perhaps the one she'll always hold dearest to her. She still loves him something terrible, but it's different now, she thinks.

It doesn't make her ache the way that loving Tom still does, and that's definitely a good thing.

Over Jake's shoulder, Iris holds up a hand that would perhaps be a gesture of apology if she was anyone but Iris.

"I called —" she says. By her side Karis rolls her eyes, long since accustomed to Iris's somewhat strange ways of showing that she cares. "But he was already back on this side of the ocean anyway. So technically I did absolutely nothing to cause this."

Maria shakes her head and holds Jake a little tighter before finally letting him go. She can't help but grin at him, face lighting up.

It's beyond good to have him here. Even if she's not entirely sure —

"What're you doing all the way over here?" She asks, eyes narrowed, now suspicious.

Jake shrugs, hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck. "It's been too long, munchkin."

Maria hums, but before she can ask again, Karis pipes up from behind her.

"Iris told him about Tom being here next week because she cares about you," the words are followed by an almighty glare and a not-at-all insignificant thump.

As though to justify her actions, as if she needs to, Iris responds, "He's here for moral support —," Then quickly considers and adds, "So that I don't have to be."

The way that everyone in the room glances at her is enough to let her know that no one is believing her bullshit, so she stands up and hurries into the kitchen to make enough coffee to potentially drown herself in or to find a nice hole in the ground that might consider swallowing her up.

"Thank you!" Maria calls after her, just for the hell of it.

The curse she receives in retaliation is more than worth it.

For a little while, it's enough to distract her from thinking about the fact that by this time next week, two of her boys are gonna be in the same place at once.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: oof I rlly don't know what I'm doing w this !!

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