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I groaned at the situation Thor had landed himself in. He was currently hanging by chains and being smug with a very large devilish looking thing. I was behind him, trying to break the chains while also irritating the giant by spinning Thor around. Thor, of course, knew that it was I, his invisible best friend, swinging him around.
Thor and I met at SHIELD. I was being trained to become an official avenger and I had succeeded shortly after he and I met. We got along well, and we did most of our missions together.
I had some time off from missions, and Thor had asked for my help in exploring the nine realms.
Chaos had broken out, and it sounded like there was a chance that Asgard wasn't going to survive much longer.
"Because that's what heroes do!" Thor said, a large, stupid grin on his face. I face-palmed silently, because I hadn't yet been able to break the chains, so he continued to dumbly hang. He cleared his throat.
"Hold on. I didn't time that right..." The chain was nearly cut as he restated his sentence and grabbed for my invisible figure, letting Mjolnir swing in and save the day. I clutched the man's armor as we flew through the ground.
Thor and I fought off the demons. Well, he fought off the demons while I knocked a few down here and there due to my element of surprise.
"Heimdall!!?" Thor called once we landed above ground.
"Your boy's not really coming through for us." I grumbled, making myself visible again. Thor looked worried. As soon as I was steady on my feet, a giant-ass dragon came busting out of the ground, knocking me over again. Thor sigh and dropped Mjolnir in it's mouth, immobilizing it.
"Heimdall!!" Thor called again. Suddenly, he grabbed my arm and Mjolnir and let the hammer begin taking us away from the angry dragon.
Thor called the colorful tube of energy that appeared the 'bifrost' and allowed us to get sucked up into it.
We slid into a room, the dragons head getting cut off behind us, and blood soaked the three people in the room.
Thor walked up to the man holding a sword.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Skurge. We've fought together."
"Where's Heimdall?" Thor urged. Skurge scoffed.
"That traitor? Don't know. He disappeared before his trial." Skurge shrugged. He looked me up and down and Thor rolled his eyes before announcing that we were going to see his father. I faintly heard Skurge yell that he was supposed to announce our arrival, but Thor and I were already halfway down the bridge.
We landed with a thud, earning gasps from the Asgardians around us. Thor led the way and stopped while looking up at a large statue. I recognized the man as Loki, Thor's brother. Thor had told me of Loki's death not too long before then.
"What the hell is that?" Thor grumbled.
We approached a stage area where actors seemed to be reenacting Loki's death. I raised my eyebrows as I saw Odin, Thor's father, watching the play in a robe and drinking wine.
After an awful performance, Thor looked to his father and nodded, greeting him.
Odin had panic in his eyes as he greeted his son. I was suspicious, but buried it.
"And who is this?" Odin asked, eyeing my armour.
"This is Cain. She's a good friend of mine." Thor explained, walking around his father.
I listened as the young blonde explained our findings on other planets. Odin seemed nervous, but not for the right reasons. I was busy trying to read the man when suddenly Thor was holding him by the back of his neck with Mjolnir flying their way.
"I'll have you beheaded for this!" Yelled Odin in a panic. Thor smirked.
"Then I'll see you on the other side... Brother." I blinked in surprise, as I thought Loki was dead, but wouldn't have put it past him to do something like that.
"Alright I yield!" I heard as Odin turned into a very handsome, raven-haired man. He held his hands up and smiled innocently.
I slipped away from the altercation, knowing Thor would call for me when needed, and made myself invisible. I was studying Loki. He seemed an odd person. Big and bad, but also humorously cowardly.
"Cain, let's go!" Thor yelled, reaching a hand out. I giggled, because he always looked stupid to other people when doing that, but I slipped my invisible hand into his and before I knew it the three of us were in regular clothing in Earth, my home planet.
"I swear I left him right here." Loki defended as we awkwardly stared at a building being demolished.
"Right here on the sidewalk or in the building that's being destroyed?" Thor grumbled.
They began arguing and I rolled my eyes, studying the people around me. Suddenly an orange circle appeared around both Loki and myself and we began falling through the same tunnel. I cried out and made myself invisible, I often called my gift my comfort cloak.
A very long while later, Loki and I landed roughly on a hard ground.
"I have been falling... For THIRTY MINUTES" Loki yelled out angrily. I stood silently, brushing myself off as Thor looked around, hoping for a sign that I was there. I made a small scuffing noise of the ground, a sure way for Thor to always know I was around.
Loki insulted the wizard man and we were then standing on a grassy ground. I held a hand out to help Loki up, and after a moment of looking at it he let me.
"Thank you." He mumbled, causing me to smile before making sure no one could see me again. He looked around for a moment before sighing in frustration.
I let Loki and Thor speak to their father while I simply listened. It didn't sound good. As far as I could tell, Thor and Loki had an older sister that was going to be a pain in the ass.
Odin faded away and, as Thor was shaking and causing a storm, Loki was eyeing him wearily. However, I could see a tear rolling down the side of his pale cheek. I knew he didn't want Thor to know he was upset over Odin's death, so I raised my invisible hand and wiped the tear off of his cheek, causing him to jump lightly.
"Thor..." Loki trailed off to calm him. Thor went on to begin blaming his brother, but I made myself visible again and scolded the God of Thunder for being so quick to point fingers.

Hela showed up and I was once again invisible. I had each of my hands on an arm of each of the men, so they knew I was there. They changed into their armour, along with myself even in my invisible state.
"I am Thor, Son of Odin." My best friend introduced.
"Really? You don't look like him." The woman replied rudely. Loki sighed.
"Perhaps we can come to an arrangement-" Loki began, but Hela cut him off with a groan.
"You sound like him... Kneel." She stated simply. Loki looked more offended than I had seen yet.
"I beg your pardon?" He asked, and I wondered if he was going to have an aneurism.
"I said," a sword appeared in Hela's hand, "kneel."
I felt like everything went by in a blur, but that may have been because I was knocked over when Thor violently threw Mjolnir at Hela.
I watched with a broken heart as she shattered Mjolnir.
Then suddenly I was being pulled up in the bifrost. I reached out and grabbed Loki in a panic before Hela threw us out of the bifrost.

Invisible || Thor: RAGNAROK ||Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now