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I have one rule.

Don't let anyone think that they control you.

And I will stick to that rule, for as long as I live.

So, when my mum shouts at me to do my chores I won't do them until I feel like doing them.

"Lana Barlow! I have told you once already I'm not going to tell you again, tidy your room!"

"Mum if you think I'm going to tidy my room when you talk to me like that then you're wrong!" I shout back not letting her get what she wants.

"Well maybe you should have done it the first time I asked." She retaliates.

"Well maybe you shouldn't try to control me," I mumble under my breath and roll my eyes.

"You know what," here comes a massive long rant, "I'm sick and fed up of you thinking you can do whatever you like whenever you like, you can't! I'm your mother and I'm meant to tell you what to do and if you don't like that go find your own place to live because I cannot put up with your disgusting attitude anymore! You are a pathetic excuse for a child. Now go tidy your god damn bedroom."

I don't know how long I was stood there shocked at what had just come out of my mums' mouth. But after a while I ran outside slamming the front door behind me.

I was instantly greeted by a freezing cold breeze and I regretted not grabbing a coat on my way out, but there is no way I'm going back in there.

I carry on running until my lungs are burning and my legs feel like jelly, I see a bench not much further on so I decide to walk to it.

Sitting down on the bench I pull my long brown hair out of my ponytail in hopes that it will keep my head a bit warmer.

The bench faces a big lake which looks beautiful in summer but right now in the middle of winter it looks eerie and somewhere a kidnapping scene in a movie might happen, the thought gives me shivers.

Some of the trees don't have any leaves but the others who do, the leaves are a very dark, almost black, green colour. There is a light mist hanging a few feet above the ground and it makes it hard to see far into the distance.

I slowly make my way down a winding path through a park which leads to the town Centre where I hope the weird feeling I have might go away.

The weird feeling is getting stronger so I start running again I don't bother to look for cars as I cross the road into the town Centre I just keep on running.

A/N: Okay so this my first time writing a story with someone else. So, these updates may take longer or shorter this chapter is not mine i did not write it, Jenny did.

Disclaimer: There may be sexual content in the story and if you're younger than 13 i suggest you do not read this, unless you are comfortable with it.

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