Chapter 4

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I left the office as quickly as I could. I was freaked out by Mr. Styles. I wasn't going to lie to myself. He is attractive, for a 30 year old. I'm starting to think he's some sort of pedophile.

I knew I wouldn't meet someone my age. I was afraid of being in prison. I'm pretty sure many women here are. Some created terrible crimes, I'd be too of a chicken to ask what they did.

They could've perished someone, raped, stabbed, robbed, or abused another. Never would I have thought I'd be stuck in a prision. I walked over to the cafeteria. In my peripheral view, I saw a woman staring at me. I immediately, looked forward and walked over to get a tray. I haven't met anyone unfortunately. I plan not to as well.

I sat all by myself in a far corner. I isolated myself from my peers. I scanned the room and my eyes met with a tall man. He looked like he was around his 30's. He had beautiful brown hair. On his neck it seemed to be a mole.

I grabbed my plastic fork and chewed on the salad. As soon as the lettuce touched my tougue, I spat it out. It tasted metallic. I grimaced my face in disgust.

The bell had rung. I guessed we were to go back to our cells.

I was too caught up in my own thoughts, I bumped into someone.

"Mira por dóndes vas," a Latina women spoke. She had red and black nombre hair.

"Perdóname," I said quietly. I knew Spanish but I didn't speak it as fluently. My father used to be Mexican.

I walked by and each officer secured the women into their cell.

I see the only and only, Mr.Styles. He came up to me and locked my cell.

"I see we meet again," he said.

"Ahh, you see I'm forced to see you. Firstly, I never committed a crime. I don't know why people don't believe me. I was brought up into this mess. And I just want to go home."

I stifled a few tears. My voice had cracked throughout my conversation with Mr.styles. I tried to be strong but I couldn't.

A/n look you guys aren't as active as we're you in my last story (deleted it). I'd really love to have at least one vote and one comment for each chapter. so please do. I'm sorry this is short. but Jenny hasn't update she was suppose to update this one. but she's busy right now. so here ya go.

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