Chapter Twenty: Oops!

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It's okay to make mistakes. In fact, they are what make us human, right? But what about when those mistakes get a little out of hand? What then? 

Well, then we have to deal with the consequences.

We need to man up (figuratively of course!) and own up to them. Unfortunately, when it comes to matters of the heart... That kind of complicates things.

We spoke about lies and how honesty is the best policy. Well, what about when it comes to miscommunication and we wind up making a big fool out of ourselves in the process? We haven't technically been lying because we didn't know the truth... I guess the same rule applies.

Honesty is the best policy, even when we have made a stupid mistake. Okay, let's begin.

I wake up early, shower and dress in the clothes that Adam picked out for me the night before. I have my headphones connected to my phone so I can clean up my apartment and perform a dance workout to some great music.

It's about multitasking people! 

I actually eat a bacon on toast breakfast... I don't do egg... what of it? Yeah, I'm weird, we already crossed that!

I also drink enough coffee to see me through until ten-thirty. I even called my work and had my shift changed in preparation for tonight! I'm all set!

I feed Zachary, gather my things and leave my apartment. Frankly, I am in a great mood! Sure, it might be because I will be expecting a sexy houseguest today.

That being said, our happiness doesn't depend on others... It depends on ourselves! 

But, there's nothing wrong with being excited about 'manning up' ready to take a relationship to the next level.

Seriously! Why does every metaphor for taking the tough decisions and stepping up have to do with men? That really pisses me off! Like 'manning up', stop being a 'pussy', grow some balls' and even wearing the pants in a relationship! Actually, while that one is meant to offend, women still wear pants too!

I think Betty White said something pretty kickass about using the phrase 'grow some balls'. It's definitely worth the Google search! 

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, school!

I arrive at Eric's lecture theatre and take my seat next to George Clooney. It's amazing our professor isn't even here yet. 

Ha! Not really him, but I just love using that name. I am actually early for the class which is a miracle in itself.

"Nice perfume," Ryan whispers to me. Then I realize, oh crap! I must have gone a little overboard.

"It's not too strong, is it?"

"Nah, it's quite nice. I think my ex-girlfriend used to wear the same one," he says. 

"Does that make us enemies? Are you going to find a seat on the other end of the room just so you can get of me?"

"No, it's fine. No hard feelings, I promise. Let me guess, the boyfriend is coming in early?"

I can't help but smile like a giddy school girl once again. "Yeah, he is. Actually, he is coming to pick up the keys at lunchtime to get into the apartment."

"Well, if it's any consolation, you'll have him swooning in that," he gestures to my clothes and I feel relieved to be getting a compliment from a straight guy in what I am wearing.

Eric arrives and I take out my laptop ready. I am trying the whole note-taking thing on my laptop. I set my phone to voice record, in case I miss something. I am proud of myself, I have this organization thing down perfectly.

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