Chapter Nineteen: Dress to Impress... Yourself!

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The way we dress always leaves an impression on others. But while that is important, what is even more important is the impression that it leaves on ourselves.

When we sit for an interview, chances are we go through the added pressure of ironing out our clothes, or wearing something new that we hope will make an impression on our perspective bosses.

We go through a similar situation when we are preparing to take relationships to a whole new level.

Luis has seen me in so many possible outfits... Hell, he's even seen me swimming in my underwear. But the moment that I decided to push things further with our relationship, I went into stress overdrive.

All of a sudden I was mentally going over every outfit and every piece of lingerie that I own, just wondering if he would approve. The thing is, we have already slept together. So, it's not like it should really matter or anything. Should it?

But normally, I like to believe that the only one that it should matter to is our self. If we have a dress that we like... We should wear the hell out of that dress and not give a damn who tells us otherwise.

I wish it were that way with Starbucks... but hey, at least in a uniform you can tell the staff apart from the patrons.

"Wear something that accentuates your neckline," Matt tells me.

I am at work and I have just returned with both he and Adam's fourth lot of orders. I gave them the full rundown during their last coffee round. At this point, they are just buying my conversation, so I have no choice but to talk to them.

"My neckline?" I say with a laugh.

"Girl, Luis is a boob man," Adam adds. "Oh, I've seen him staring at those things. Give him a little cleavage and maybe a short skirt... you know, for easy access!"

I blush. "Shush! Don't say that so loud!" I say as I look around to see that we haven't been overheard. I glance up to see the queue of people waiting to order and nobody currently attending.

My distaste for lines gets the better of me. "Keep brainstorming guys, I need to look perfect!" I say as I leave them with their coffees.

I make my way to the counter and start taking orders. Seeing Adam standing and miming the actions of removing a fake dress from himself makes me burst out laughing so I choose to ignore him.

"I take it that that isn't your boyfriend?" the voice of the next man in the line attracts my attention. 

Oh, wow! It's Ryan. How did I not notice him standing there sooner?

I laugh, "No... that's just Adam. What can I get for you?"

"Er... Just a cappuccino? And a time for us to get together to make a start on this psychology project?"

"No, muffins?" I ask casually.

"Maybe just one. Which would you suggest?"

"Definitely the chocolate chip!"

"Chocolate chip sounds perfect! How much do I owe ya?"

"Hold on just a minute," I say as I total up his order and pack his muffin into a paper bag. "$13.50?" I tell him.

"Plus tip? I'll throw in an extra ten for the pretty girl serving me."

As he says those words I am a little conflicted. He comes across as if he is actually flirting with me. But, that would be silly. I already told him that I have a boyfriend.

He puts the cash in the tip jar and then says: "and about the assignment? What time do you get off?"

"It's Thursday, so... six?" I realize the moment that I have said it that I still have two hours left until I finish.

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