Chapter Twenty- Six Flags, Chances and A Slutty Visit?

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Six Flags, Chances and A Slutty Visit?

Matt's P.O.V

I woke up, and scanned my room to see if it was all a dream. If loosing Drea was a dream. Madison being here was a dream. Me fucking things up was a dream. But no, it was all real, and I was devastated. I should've stopped her from leaving. This is my entire fault. I feel so guilty.

I haven't eaten. I haven't slept. I haven't been on Twitter, Instagram, or Vine. I was practically a mess without her. I hadn't bathed since she left, and my eyes are a puffy red. I'm practically drained out from all the crying I've done.

"MATT GET UP!" Taylor yelled at me.

"I'm up," I answered without any emotion in my voice.

I got up, slowly, and took a long shower to get the stink off of myself. After that, I grabbed some clothes and put them on, made my hair, and turned on my phone.

Twitter and Instagram notifications blasted through my phone, and I saw one comment that caught my eyes, which was from Kian.

@KianLawley: 'Scars, don't own you. You are who you are, and that makes you beautiful #StayStrong @TheDreaReynolds'

Attached to it, was a picture of Kian kissing her scars, and another one of Drea kissing his lips.

I dropped my phone, and sat there, shocked as the Drian comments filled my eyes. They're together.

'She moved on so soon? Did I really hurt her that bad? I'm so stupid. I'm the worst human being for letting her go.' Was all that crossed my mind.

I grabbed my phone, and raced down the stairs to find the boys on their social medias, so I just blurted it out.

"Kian and Drea are together," I said, making the guys look up, with a blank expression on their face. "Did you already know?" I asked them, and they nodded. "Why didn't you tell me!?"

"We knew that you wouldn't take it well," Carter said, and frowned.

I sat down in between Taylor and Cameron. I buried my face in my hands, and started to cry again, which was odd, because I thought that I ran out if tears.

Taylor patted my back. "Come on Matt, lighten up. She's happy, can't you see that?" Taylor said.

Fact was that I wanted her to be happy, but not with Kian. I wanted her to be with me. I wanted to be the one who helped her forget her past, to hell her with her battles. Now I can't even do that simple thing.

"But what about me?! I'm not happy, I'm miserable without her!" I sobbed.

"Matt, take it easy buddy. She's happy, and I bet she wants you to be happy too," Cameron said, trying to calm me down.

"Come on, we're going somewhere!" Carter exclaimed.

"Where?" I asked/sobbed.

"Six Flags."

Drea's P.O.V

Today was a strange morning. Like for reals. I remember falling asleep on the couch. My head on Kian's lap, and my feet on JC's legs. But, the strange is that this morning I woke up next to the pool. Like, if I moved, I would've fallen in, and came out soaking wet. I had this really awful neck pain, and back pain also.

I was now, taking a shower, getting ready to leave to Six Flags with the rest of the guys.

When I got out, I placed on some underwear, bra, socks, a 'Don't Grow Up, It's A Trap' Peter Pan tank top, some denim high waisted shorts, white socks, and black vans. My hair was down, straightened, and I placed a L.A. Lakers Snapback on my head, and brushed the ends of my hair. I grabbed my phone, and went downstairs to find Trevor and Sam sitting on the couch.

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