Alois x SMR

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Request from monicagarcica. Enjoy.

3rd POV

Y/n had no idea what to say about the news he just received. Alois, his boyfriend, told him he got pregnant, and that was a shocking information to Y/n. He couldn't imagine Alois having a baby. In Y/n's opinion he was too immature to be a parent. He loved Alois, but that still didn't change his thoughts about the whole situation. He was worried.

-Lord L/n? – said Claude getting Y/n's attention. – Should I serve you the dinner?

-Yes please. – he answered. – And prepare a drink for me. Same as usual.

Claude nodded and bowed. Then he left Y/n's office. Y/n was living with Alois in his mansion and he had his office to be able to take care of his company. Y/n looked down at the documents in front of him and got to reading again. He signed the documents and set them away. Right when he put the papers in the drawer Claude brought the food and whiskey with ide in. He set the tray on the desk and placed the food in front of Y/n.

-Thank you. – said Y/n.

Claude bowed again and left the room. Y/n ate slowly letting his thoughts drift off to Alois's pregnancy and the situation they were in. He didn't feel like eating much, but he knew he had to force the food down his throat. After all he didn't eat at all the whole day. He decided to use the moment of peace in his office to comprehend the changes in his life. Y/n sighed and took a sip of his drink. Instead of calming down he was growing nervous.

-Hey babe. – said Alois as he walked in Y/n's office. – Don't you love me anymore? – he asked and hugged Y/n.

-Why would you think that? – asked Y/n not prepared for such question.

-You ate here, all alone. – I thought you are mad at me.

Y/n kissed Alois's forehead to reassure him about his feelings and that he was okay. He held him tight and let him nuzzle his neck. Alois wrapped his arms around Y/n's neck before he spoke up.

-I'm scared. – was all he said. Y/n looked at him and sighed.

-Me too. – he said. – But we will be fine, you'll see.



Time skip

Y/n had to admit he was surprised with the change in his partner's behavior. Alois became more careful and caring towards Y/n. He got more serious and took a good care for himself and the baby. All the recklessness that worried Y/n was gone. Alois was more responsible. That made Y/n less nervous about the pregnancy and he could focus on his duties at work and on taking care of Alois.

Claude was a big help too. He watched over Alois when Y/n was out in his company, or went shopping. This way everything could be well prepared for the baby's birth. Y/n and Alois spent together all the time they could. Y/n wanted to reassure him he was supporting him and he will be there for him whenever he needed him.

-I love you. – said Alois as he ran his fingers though Y/n's hair. Y/n had his ear on the belly and listened to his baby. He felt all the moves and kicks.

-I love you too. – smiled Y/n.

They laid like this enjoying each other's hugs and kisses. They had a lot of peaceful moments like this. Suddenly Alois felt his waters broke. His eyes widened in shock and fear. Y/n on the other hand kept the cold blood and called the doctor. He was pushed back out of the room as the doctor performed the C-section.

Y/n couldn't calm down. He was both scared and excited at the same time. Y/n felt strong rush of joy when he heard the baby cry. He was let in the room and the nurse handed him the baby. There was a lot of blood on the sheets. For a brief moment Y/n got scared.

-Is he okay? – he asked the doctor. The man smiled guessing his thoughts.

-Yes, don't worry. – he answered. – He's just sleeping. Here are his painkillers. – he added and gave a bottle of pills to Y/n.


Y/n looked at the baby boy in his arms. He stared back at his father with his e/c eyes. Y/n smiled and kissed the baby's forehead. He took the boy to the nursey and lulled him to sleep. Then he moved Alois carefully to the other bedroom and Claude changed the sheets. Y/n laid down next to Alois and hugged his carefully. With that he drifted off to sleep as well.

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