Thor x SMR

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Request from Ender_Hound. Enjoy.

3rd POV

Thor looked at the pregnancy test in his hand and sighed. Seven months earlier he gave birth to a baby boy, his second child, and now he got pregnant again. His first child, a girl, was a surprise, a boy was planned and now the third was another surprise. For him it was a little too soon for another kid, but he was happy with the news anyway. He walked out of the bathroom and went to his husband's study. Y/n was very dedicated to his work. He owned a company in Midgard that provided him and his family a decent life. Thor knocked on the door and walked in the study when he heard a small "come in" from his husband.

-Hi. – smiled Thor and walked in. – Do you have a moment for a break? – Y/n signed something before he answered.

-To be honest – he said putting the papers away. – I'm already done.

Y/n smiled and stretched his sore muscles. He stood up and walked up to Thor. He hugged his tight and sighed in content feeling his husband's closure.

-I have to tell you something. – said Thor breaking the peaceful silence. He pulled away and cupped Y/n's cheeks looking in his eyes.

-Go on sugar. – said Y/n tilting his head.

-We need another crib. – said Thor hoping Y/n would get the hint. – And another car seat. – he added.

-Is S/n that destructive? – he asked sighing.

-No, this time he didn't do anything. – grinned Thor. – I'm pregnant.

-Again?! – he chuckled. – Damn I must be really talented. – he grinned, earning a playful slap on the arm from Thor.

Y/n kissed Thor's lips and squeezed him in his arms. They shared a passionate kiss for few good minutes before they pulled away from each other. They went to their daughter's room and knocked on the door. She was just like Y/n. If you wanted to disturb her in what she was doing, you had to let her know about it before you walk in. She muttered a small "come in" and then her parents went in the room.

-D/n, do you like your brother? – asked Thor.

-I love him. – she responded and looked at her fathers.

-How would you feel if we told you you'd have another one? – it was Y/n's turn to ask the question.

-I'd tell you that I would prefer a sister now. – she grinned. – Why? Is dad pregnant again?

Time skip

Y/n took care of S/n and D/n when Thor went to the hospital. The doctor wanted to have him there in case he went into labor sooner, like when S/n was born. D/n helped her father take care of S/n, especially when he was tired and needed to take a nap.

-Thanks for taking care of him Princess. – he kissed D/n's cheek and picked S/n up to feed him.

He made some sandwiches for D/n and himself and prepared the bottle for S/n. He was in the middle of the feeding process when the phone rang. Y/n looked at his daughter with pleading eyes and she ran to the phone. She answered it and put it to her father's ear.

-L/n speaking. – he said.

-Hi, I'm calling from the hospital. – said the lady. – Your husband went into labor few minutes ago.

-We're on our way, thank you. – he nodded to D/n to put the phone away and she did. They understood each other without words. – We have to go to the hospital. Dad is giving birth.

D/n got excited and couldn't sit still. Y/n had to finish feeding S/n so he couldn't just get in the car and drive. S/n took his time with emptying the bottle. During that time D/n started preparing a spare bottle for the drive for him, according to Y/n's instructions. Y/n was thankful to his stars he had a smart kid like her. When S/n was done eating they got in the car. Y/n buckled his children up and got in the driver's seat.

The ride didn't last long. After about twenty minutes they were looking for an empty spot to park the car. Then Y/n took S/n out of the seat, and waited for D/n to get out. When she joined her father he locked the car and they went in the hospital, right in the moment the doctor walked out of the ward.

-Mr. L/n. – he smiled and ruffled D/n's hair making her giggle. She liked the family doctor. – How are the kids?

-Strong and healthy. – smiled Y/n. – Can we see Thor and the baby?

-Yeah, they are in room 6.


D/n was walking in front, looking for the right room. She opened the door when she found it and walked In.

-Daddy! – she ran to Thor. He was awake already and smiled seeing his girl.

-Hi. – he said. – Took your time. – he said when Thor saw Y/n with S/n in his arms.

-I'm sorry, but our little tiger was eating and we were stuck at home for a bit. – chuckled Y/n. Right in that moment the nurse brought the baby in the room and handed it to Thor.

-Here is you second baby girl. – she smiled making D/n cheer and her fathers chuckle at her reaction.

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