Reiji Sakamaki x SMR

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Requested by JiminiPark95. Enjoy.

3rd POV

Reiji had no idea how was that possible. He always told his brothers to be responsible and careful when dating, while he wasn't. He knew it was possible for him and his brothers to get pregnant. Reiji had a one night stand with the school's bad boy. He had a crush on him ever since he knew him and when he turned out to be interested in Reiji it was obvious he would want to go out with him. But before their first date happened they had sex in Y/n's car during the prom. He wasn't even his boyfriend for fucks sake! Now Reiji was paying a price of being a hypocrite.

-What will I do now? – he asked no one in particular.

He wanted to comprehend it on his own first, before he told his brother's or the baby's father about the whole situation. Reiji threw the pregnancy test in the bin and made sure it was hidden under some trash. He didn't need Ayato to find it and blabber about it all the time. Reiji walked out of the bathroom he was previously occupying and went to his room. He took the phone in his hand and dialed Y/n's number. After three signals he answered it.

-Hello sugar. – he said in a sleepy voice. Reiji assumed the was taking a nap. – Miss me already?

-We have a problem. – said Reiji in serious tone, cutting Y/n's jokes out. He was too annoyed to hear that right now. – I'm pregnant. – for few seconds there was quiet on the other side of the line, then Y/n spoke up.

-Wanna keep it? – he asked.

-What kind of question is that?! – he yelled. – Of course I do.

-You didn't get me wrong. – said Y/n to calm Reiji down a bit. – I want that too. I meant that if you didn't want to raise the baby with me, I would take care of them on my own. That's it. I didn't want to imply anything else.

Reiji sighed in relief. Hearing that Y/n wouldn't want the baby was the last thing he needed at the moment like that. Y/n told him to not to worry and let him focus on the preparations. Reiji agreed and hung up.

Time skip

Y/n took the situation to his heart and appeared in the Sakamaki household two days later. He never looked so seriously in his life. He wore a black suit and his hair were combed neatly. He adjusted his tie and officially asked Reiji for his hand in marriage. Reiji explained the situation to his brothers and accepted Y/n's proposal. Y/n also told him he prepared the nursey in his house, so after the wedding Reiji was supposed to move in with him.

-You took care of everything, didn't you? – asked Reiji when they were finally alone in his room.

-More or less. – he admitted. – I prepared for the things that I could predict.

-Still, I'm proud of you. – he said and let Y/n hug him. – You matured up so fast.

-I am mature, when I want to be.

Time skip

Y/n made Reiji feel like a king after they got married and moved in together. He cleaned, cooked and did all the errands Reiji wanted him to do. He wanted to not only make him feel comfortable, but also he wanted to earn his love. He considered it a chance for them to get closer to each other. He did his best to be a good husband.

Nine months passed quick. When the cramps came, indicating Reiji was going into labor, Y/n called the doctor. Before he arrived though, Reiji's waters broke and Y/n had to deliver the baby by himself. At first he was terrified, but when he saw the fear in Reiji's eyes he knew he had to handle the situation. He looked back at Reiji with determination in his eyes.

-Go on babe. – he said. – I've got this.

Reiji started pushing, while Y/n encouraged him to push more. They cooperated with each other well and finally the baby came out. Y/n cut the umbilical cord and cleaned the baby and Reiji out of the blood. That's when the doctor finally arrived.

-Took your time. – said Y/n glaring at the him.

-I'm sorry I'm late, I'll take care of your husband.- he said apologizing. – Put the blanket around the baby and try to calm them down.

Y/n did what he was told and waited for the doctor to be done with Reiji. After fifteen minutes the doctor took the baby for examination, while Y/n threw the bloody sheets out.

-You have a strong and healthy son. – he said. – Congratulations.

-Thanks. – smiled Y/n and cradled the baby in his arms again. He put him in the crib and put the blanket over Reiji to let him sleep.

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