ONE: Who Would Have Known? (Connor x NewDetective!Reader)

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In Detroit, Michigan, a company called Cyberlife created the most advanced piece of technology the world has ever seen. In the year of 2038, the detective android who was dubbed as Connor was built to be the one machine that always accomplished its task... no matter what. Though perfect in every possible way, two humans out the 7 billion in the entire planet of Earth managed to form a flaw in the RK800 Model's programming, which was always thought to be impossible.

Connor's POV
Inside of the location of Jimmy's Bar, this certain 53 year old Lieutenant was being quite persistent and was not cooperating with me on the mission, once again.
"Lieutenant, we must continue with the investigation. Consuming alcohol will only decrease your chances of catching a deviant," I said, attempting to convince him to come to the crime scene.
"Listen here, you fucking android, why don't you just leave without me and do whatever the hell you do. So get the hell out of my face and go accomplish your mission or whatever the fuck."


"Lieutenant, like Ive done previously, why don't I buy you one more drink and then we can be on our way? We have a new detective waiting for us at the crime scene. She will be our new parter."
The look on the Lieutenant's face changed from annoyed to surprised.
"What? I just became comfortable with you, and now they bring in another person for me to tolerate?! Plus it's a woman! Women are so hard to deal with sometimes with all of their hormones and everything. I really hope this isn't another fucking android. No offense Connor."
"I cannot take offense to that statement, I am a machine."
Hank rolled his eyes, a gesture made by humans to illustrate annoyance.
Though, what I said was true, when he said he didn't hope for another android it did sound... or feel... i don't know... hurtful in a way? But that's simply impossible. That's just my human adaptability feature, I'm guessing.

After Hank had his drink he had finally gave in, and drove to the crime scene.
In front of the house we've arrived at, I noticed a female standing outside looking around. Is this the new detective?
I suddenly regained my focus when Hank turned off the car, which lead to his favorite band, Knights Of The Black Death's song to be turned off.
Hank and I exited the car and I had the opportunity to scan the female.

AGE: 23
HEIGHT: 5'7 (A/N sorry if this isn't your height but it's mine so oof let's work with this)

Since I was closer to her I could see that she was very beautiful. Her E/C eyes glowed in the night and the moonlight bounced off of her soft S/C skin.
She must have noticed Hank and I coming toward her and said,
"Oh hi! You must Connor and Hank?"
Hank did not seem excited to meet her.
"Yuh huh, I'm Hank Anderson."
Irritated yet respectful.

"Hello, my name is Connor, I'm the android sent by Cyberlife."
That was my standard introduction. No feeling, nothing more, nothing less. Just an instruction.

"How can you be so excited here, at a crime scene, where a dead human is inside of this house?" Hank asked.
I guess I was curious as well. Normally, humans would feel discomfort in this situation.

"I have no idea. I just... am!? I guess because I was meeting such nice people!"
"Ms.L/N, I apologize but I am not a person. I am an android," I informed her.

"He does this often," Hank adds.
"That's okay," she turns to me, "I don't care! You seem human to me! It's been really nice to meet you so Connor."


She smiled then continued, "let's investigate."
she smiled again.
That smile. It was perfect.

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