THE RETURN 001:{smut} The Elevator. |REQUESTED!|

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"...she's talking about sex and he gets curious or something and she asks him if he's ever done it and he says no?? Or something?? and yeah"
"...can they not be in a relationship until after they have sex please?"


i think this is my first Sub!Connor AHAHAHA YAYYY #iLoveSubmissiveMen!!

also!!! they curse/swear a lot in this one for whatever reason; both of them say insults towards the beginning of the chapter but it's okay they don't rlly mean it they're just a lil #frustrated

alsoalso, this is gonna get... NASTY i think. 😁

alsoalsoalso. it's good to be back. teehee.
ok. lemme shut up.

Third Person POV

9:01 p.m.

The day was coming to an end, and the DPD detectives should have gone home by now.
All of the detectives had already departed the precinct, heading back to their regular lives.

However, partners Y/N and Connor chose to remain in the police station for a little longer, hoping to discover fresh leads on a case.

Since they are both extremely tenacious individuals, they had decided not to give up on solving the case even though they had been looking into a highly challenging homicide.
The absence of leads and hints, though, was beginning to wear on both of them.

"This case is taking so long, Connor, and I'm sick of reading the same things again and over, trying to piece together little details!"

"I'm aware of that Y/N, but you and I both know that we both want to solve this case as soon as possible," Connor said with the smallest hint of agitation in his voice.

"I am also aware of that, Connor. But this is the slowest we've ever solved a case! I am definitely not going to stay here all night, just to crack this!" she yells.

"So you're leaving?" he asks, sounding a lot more agitated now.

She doesn't say anything, but the answer to his question is obviously 'yes.'
Y/N grabs her jacket, her bag, and her phone from her desk, and walks away from him. He was really starting to piss her off.

"Wow- Alright, so you're just going to give up?" he spoke in a tone similar to disgust.

"Goddamn it, Connor, I'm not 'giving up!' The case will be there tomorrow for us to solve, you idiot! So I'm going the fuck home. Whether you like it or not," the female shouts and then walks to the elevator, to get on the ground floor of the precinct and head home.

But, Connor was walking behind her, and she already knew that he was going to try to lecture her about leaving.

"Connor, leave me alone." she pushes the elevator button.

"It's quite... oh, what's the word... pathetic that you would leave a case this early. Knowing you I th-"

"Pathetic?!" she cuts him off.
The elevator dings and the doors open.

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