-May He rest in Peace, Nick Fury-

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Steve and I were watching the doctors operate on Fury through a window, in the window I could see my reflection, it was faint, but I could still see the band-aid above my eyebrow from last night. I was so tired that I fell unconscious and Steve was too far away to catch me so I had to get stitches then a band-aid.. that was not a fun time.. I looked over and saw Nat, she walked over to us and stood on the other side of Steve.

"Is he going to make it?"

"Honestly, it's hard to tell." I replied, I knew she hadn't asked me, but Steve was just too focused on Fury, watching him being operated on.

"Tell me about the shooter"

"He's-" Steve places a hand on my shoulder, I look up to him and I nod silently, letting Steve speak.

"He's fast and strong. Had a metal arm." Just then Agent Maria Hill walked up to us, I had recognized her from when I first joined the Avengers, when Phil had died... I closed my eyes for a second everything turning black when I opened them I was somewhere completely different.

I was floating, dark green magic surrounding me. I turned and saw Steve trying to.. stop me? I had no control over my body as I quickly flew over to him and punched him square in the jaw, I cringed. "I'm sorry Steve!" I tried to yell, but he must have not heard me or I was trapped in my own body! "Steve! Help Me!!" I screamed, but he did nothing as I kicked him over. He laid there, on the ground as I placed a foot on him, pressing weight onto him causing him to grunt in pain.

"Stop Kara! Don't do this!" He pleaded, I could see him trying to reach for his shield.

"Steve! I can't stop myself! End me!!" I tried to scream, but nothing worked. I bent over and smiled devilishly as I placed my hands on his throat. I could feel tears rolling down my eyes. "STOP! STOOOP!!!!"




I felt my body, being shook before I closed my eyes again and reopening them. "Kara!" Steve spoke, his large hands were rested on my shoulder as he bent his knees to be at the same height as me. I shook my head before I placed two fingers on my cheeks, I had been crying...

"Kara?" I looked into Steve's light blue eyes, they looked... sad?

"Yes Steve? What happened?" Just as he was about to answer I looked over to Fury's room. I saw that his state was deteriorating, it was getting worse!

"He's in V-tach." The male nurse, Austin spoke. I had met them briefly during their coffee breaks and got to know them a bit. Austin was training to become a doctor and was really close to achieving his goal. His girlfriend Kylie, the female nurse. Wanted to become a surgeon and was very good at being calm and had amazing photographic memory helping her as well. I thought they were really cute couple. I still need to think of their ship name...

"Crash cart coming in." Kylie replied.

"BP is dropping."

"Defibrillator!" Steve, Natasha, Hill and I watch in shock as Fury is flat-lining. "I want you to charge him at one hundred." The Doctor ordered.

"Don't do this to me, Nick." Natasha spoke, I stood close to Steve as I gripped onto his jacket like a small child would do to their Father when they were scared.

"Stand back! Three, two, one. Clear!" Fury was then shocked with the Defibrillator, but nothing happened. "Pulse?"

"No pulse" Austin replied.

"No pulse" The Doctor repeated. "Okay. 200, please. Stand back! Three, two, one. Clear!" Fury was then shocked again, but still. Nothing happened.

"Is he going to die Steve?" I asked looking up at him. He looked down at me before taking a small glance back at the scene.

"He's going to be fine, Kara. He's just trying to give us a big scare" He joked lightly, but I knew that Steve was worried about Fury. I then look back at the scene, Steve turned to face the other direction.

"What's the time?" The Doctor asked Kylie.

"It's 1:03, sir"

"Time of Death, 1:03am" I turn to look the other way as I catch Steve looking at a Flash Drive. That must have been the thing Fury had given to him the night before...


I was standing outside the room that Fury was in, Steve and Natasha wanted to look at his dead body, but it was a no from me. I've already seen too many dead bodies in my life and I didn't want to add one more to the list. I then hear the lock click as they exit the room into the Hallway where I was. "I don't know" Steve spoke before being interrupted by Rumlow.

"Cap, they want you back at SHIELD. You too Kara." Rumlow spoke looking from Steve to me. I had a bad feeling about Rumlow, I wasn't quite sure why, but I just did.

"Yeah, give us a second."

"They want you both now."

"Steve, said wait a second. So wait a damn second!" I spoke, my voice getting louder by the second. Steve placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed lightly. I took a deep breath, and nodded.

"Sorry about her, She's just overwhelmed by all of this. But to answer your question, Okay." Steve replied before letting go of my shoulder. Rumlow glared at me for a second before walking off. Steve then turns to Natasha.

"You're a terrible Liar" She spoke before walking away. We then follow the shield agents down the hallway we then see a vending machine up ahead. Steve nudges me lightly, I look up at him and he taps his temple, I nodded and linked us telepathically.

"I have a flash drive in my hand, can you quickly put it in the vending machine without letting anyone notice?"

"Yeah, but why?"

"I'll tell you later. Do it quickly!"

I then end our link, as Steve hands me the Flash drive discreetly. I then use my telekinesis to put it into the machine, I place it behind the Hubba Bubba Gum packages and smirk before we walk past it and Steve and I nod to each-other. We would have high-fived, but too many people were around and we didn't want to rise any suspicion. "What do you think they need us to do this time?"

"I don't know, but we're going to find out" Steve replies.

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