Part11: I'm seeing someone.

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Hanna's POV

"So Mona, how exactly were you with Noel Khan?" I took a deep breath, in hopes she wouldn't flip out over my question.

"Easy. He was helping Alison, and I was spying on her for Ezra. We were working together for a little while. He gave me information, and then we became serious for a while. When I broke it off, it was because I figured out he was still helping Alison, and I asked him not to." She explained.

"Why the hell would you ask him to not help her?" I became really scared as to what she were to say next.

"Because I hated her. I'd realized she's the one who created loser Mona. I almost wished she was dead." She starred at my floor the whole time she spoke. She looked really ashamed.

"Why did you decide to be friends with Alison?"

"I'm not!," she screamed. "Sorry. I'm not friends with her. But that doesn't mean I can't protect her." She mumbled.

I couldn't understand what she was trying to say. One second she wants her dead, and the next she wants to protect her?

She had a very small connection to Noel before, when Maya was still alive, so I couldn't process her story.

"Whatever then. I need food." I went down to grab a snack from the kitchen.

I grasp the railing when I stumble a little walking down the stairs. When I'm about to turn the corner the doorbell rings. I pause for a minute and whip around, grabbing the handle and twisting it open.

"Travis? Uh, hi.." I barley invite him in before he gently pushes past me.

"Hi. I want to be with you Hanna. I lied before, I do love you in that way. Will you give me another chance?" He reaches out to grab my hand, but I step backwards and bump into the railing.

Awkward moron.

"Listen, Travis, I'm seeing someone. Caleb and I are back together. I'm sorry..-"

"Don't sweat it," he smiled, but you could see the disappointment and frustration in his eyes. "I guess I'll, uh, see you around?"

I couldn't help but notice him stare at my stomach after I'd mentioned Caleb.

"Of course." I smiled, and with that, he turned around and left. I watched him get into his car through the windows, and he sped away faster than ever before.

"Was that Travis?" I whip around to see Mona starring at me, and leaning over the railing.


"Probably broke his heart, Han-"

"Okay Mona! I know! And I feel bad, so could you maybe just stop?" I stormed into the kitchen to finally get my freaking food I've been wanted for hours now.

In the distance I could hear her making a 'm'reow!' noise, and I could bet anything she was doing the stupid hand motion too.


I walked over to the fridge when I noticed the teddy bear Caleb had gotten for Blake. I picked it up when I realized something strange about it's small, black, glass eyes.

I focused really hard until I realized it looked like spirals, almost like camera like spirals, and they were moving.

I shook it off and called it a hallucination. I've been pretty dizzy and sick lately anyways.

I got my food and ate it faster than a starving hamster.

My stomach started turning and my eyes went all crazy and blurry. I set the bear, that I was still holding, down and ran to the bathroom where I began to vomit.

While I was leaned over the toilet disposing my insides, a hand gently placed itself on my back.

"Are you alright? You should really rest, Hanna." Mona's voice admitted from behind me.

"Okay." I whip my mouth off with my sleeve and walk to my bedroom, where I fell into a deep sleep.


Okay so I know this part focuses on Hanna, but should I announce the name for Ezria's baby girl...?


Okay fine!

Her name will be.....Hayden Sarai! But she'll mainly go by just Hayden.

Also, I got a request to bring Travis into the story by one of my friends a long time ago, so here it is!

What will Travis do?...tell me in the comments, my lovelies!💗

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