Part12: Done with these games.

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Mona's POV

Hanna will not get off my back about Noel. It was a mistake, everyone makes mistakes. Maybe not as big as I made, but close to it.

Every time all six of us, or so, got together, I always felt so awkward and attacked. I'd promised Hanna and the others that I was finished with these games, and done helping and being Å.

No body trusts me, I know it because I've over heard them talking once or twice about not being able to trust me completely.

I need help the most right now, and it seems like no one is actually here for me. It seems like I'm just there so they can get heir information, or so I could help them stay protected.

Honestly, Alison is going down, and she's slowly dragging all of us down with her. But I couldn't ever possibly explain that to the others without them thinking I have an evil plan to terminate Ali.

Hanna was out, and I sat alone in the guest bedroom, watching marathons of my favourite shows, and eating Cheetos.

I looked down at my feet and hands. I desperately need a mani-pedi. And I also desperately wanted to go shopping for my baby...and myself.

I picked up my phone and starred at my contacts. Hanna, Emily and Spencer? At school, thinking they're still able to hide their pregnancies for a bit longer. Aria? At home sicker than I've ever seen her. The only contact left was Alison.

I sighed loudly, and my hand shook at I reached for the 'call' button, next to Alison's name. She picked up.

"Hi..Mona. Do you need something?" She sounded sincere.

"Hey Alison. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to..I don't know. Do you want to come shopping with me? I'm having a shopping withdrawal right now." I noticed I had trouble saying that easily.

"You know what Mona," she said in a clenched-teeth kind of voice. "I so feel you! I'll surely come with you, I'll be there in a few!" She hung up.

Well that was easy.

A few moments later Alison pulled up to Hanna's house. I'm surprised she actually came.

She came up to the door and I opened it before she could knock.

"Hey!" She smiled, in surprise.

"Hi. Wow! You have a really big bump..."

"I know, there's no way I'm going to school and hiding it anymore. That's bullshit. Ready?" She beamed.

"Yeah, always!" I lock the door behind us and we get in the car.

We pulled away and drove off the the Rosewood Mall. I haven't been there in so long, so it's nice to be with Alison.

"Is this song okay?" Alison pouted.

"It's fine," I beam back.

"Alison? I want you to know that I'm not planning anything, and I'm not trying to hurt you. Or anyone. I'm done with the games. I want to help you guys, because I need help in return." I say, looking forward and not at Ali.

She stops at a red light and looks at me. "I believe you Mona. I really do. I just hope it's the right decision. To trust you."

"You won't be disappointed." I smiled and she smiles back, as she turns into the mall parking lot.

We exit the car to see a police officer that I've personally never seen before or heard about. We walk past him like nothing's wrong; because nothing was wrong.

"Who's that?" I scoff to Alison as we enter the mall doors.

"I don't know. Darren Wildens replacement? Who gives a shit, he doesn't know us." She said entering American Apparel.

We walked around for a few seconds. Holdings clothes up to ourselves in the mirrors.

"Gosh. Finding maternity clothes is harder than you would think." I whisper, putting some shirts back.

"Yeah. Tell me about it, I mean-...." She trailed off and looked at the floor while holding her stomach.

"Alison? What's wrong?" I grab the clothes from her hands and throw them on a table.

"It's too early..." She whispered to herself, smiling.

She looked as if she were playing around. "Alison, I thought you were done playing games."

"I'm done with my games just as much as you are, Mona. Take me to the hospital!" She began to panic, breathing heavily.

She was only 7 months. I was 6 so I knew because she's a month ahead of me.

"Alison, you just pissed all over the floor!" I whisper loudly, trying to calm her down and walk her to the car.

"What?" She stops to look down. "No. That's water."


Haha cliffhanger.

So how do you guys feel about Mona and Alison getting along? And who was that cop? And most importantly, WHATS WRONG WITH ALISON?

(Ps- I know there's probably not an American Apparel, but oh well!)

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Happy reading! :)

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