Part6: Hamburger?

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Emily's POV

"You guys need to stay healthy and warm. It's only December!" I say covering Spencer and Ali up with a blanket and handing them a hot chocolate.

"Ah yes, hot chocolate. So healthy." Alison said sarcastically. I gave her a frustrated look.

"Where's Aria?" I asked as I checked the time on my phone.

"She's with Ezra." Spencer said making kissing noises.

"Well, it's almost time for your appointment! I'm going to call her." I said. I dialled her number and stood up.

"Hey, Aria? You need to get over here your appointment is in half an hour!" I remind her.

"I know! I'll be there in a sec. Call Hanna!" Aria said sounding excited.

"Hurry up!" I say uneasily.

I hung up the phone. "She'll be here soon. She said to call Hanna." I tell the girls.

"Well, call her! I wanna know the news!" Alison said.

I called Hanna and put it on speaker phone so it was loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Emily! You won't believe it! They told us the genders!" Hanna screamed excitedly before I could even speak.

"Really? Well, come on, tell us already!" Alison gushed.

"Well...Mona's having a baby girl!!," Hanna burst out. "And I'm having a boy." She said softly. I could tell she was doing that thing where she bites her lip and her dimples get really really deep.

"O-EM-GEE! Awe! Congratulations girls!" Alison and I both gushed over the phone.

"Well, we can't wait to meet little Blake and Mona's baby!" Spencer said.

"Talk to you girls later!" Hanna said. She was so excited!

We hung up the phone just as Aria and Melissa both came in.

"Ready to go girls?" Melissa said holding up her keys.

"So ready!" Ali beamed.

It was good to see her this happy again. It's been ages since we've all shared a special moment like these.


After a drive out of town we finally arrived at the doctors clinic. We walked inside and we waited for their names to be called.

"Spencer Hastings?" One nurse called. Melissa and Spencer both followed her to a room through a set of doors.

"Nervous?" I asked Alison and Aria.

"Very." Aria said with a sympathetic nod.

"Alison DiLaurentis?" A different nurse called out.

"Should I come with you?" I asked her.

"No, I'll be fine alone." She smiled. She made her way over to the set of doors and followed the nurse.

"Please come with me." Aria said with a worried look on her face.

"Of course." I nodded.

"Aria Montgomery?" the same nurse Spencer had called out.

Aria and I got up to follow her.

"Wait." We heard a faint voice say.

We turned around to see Ezra walk into the clinic doors.

"Ezra? I thought you were busy?" Aria said.

"Not too busy for you." He said. He followed us.

I saw the room Spencer was in. She was sitting up and she was crying. Melissa was comforting her and rubbing her back.

"Aria, I'll be right in. I'm going to see Spencer." I assured her. I walked into the room she was in when the nurse wasn't watching.

"Spence? What's wrong?" I sat in a chair next to the ultrasound bed.

"Emily...." Melissa shook her head, signalling that it was bad that I ask.

"They couldn't find a baby!" Spencer sobbed.

Oh my god.

"What? What did they say?" I began to panic.

"They suggest it was either too early to see anything, or a miscarriage." Melissa explains.

"Spencer, I'm sure nothing's wrong." I assured her. She started to calm down.

"Yeah. I guess so." She agreed. She got off the bed and we all made our way to Aria's room.

"Guys come here!" Aria said. The lights were off because the nurse had already started. We could see the baby on the monitoring screen and we could hear a faint heartbeat. Ezra was crying.

"Hamburger." The nurse said.

"Hamburger? Uh, I'm not sure what that means..." Aria trailed off.

"Looks like female." The nurse grunted.

"Thank you!" Aria said. She got up and passionately kissed Ezra.

"Congratulations!" I said to them both.

"Where's Ali?" Spencer asked.

"She's in another room. She didn't want me to come with her for some reason." I explained.

"Well, let's go see her." Spencer suggested.


Hi my lovely readers! What do you guys think? So, what do you guys think Mona will name her baby? And what do you think is going on with Alison? Tell me in the comments!

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Happy reading! :)

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