Part17: Where's Emily?

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Emily's POV

Spencer called me and told me Mona was at the hospital, and she picked me up from work. I just got the news that Ali left on the way to Hanna's!

"She just left?" I scream.

"Yeah! She asked me to babysit Maddie and Trent and then she packed her bags." Spence explains, handing me a soother for Madison. She cried a lot but no wonder! Her mother isn't here to comfort her. Poor things.

"Shhhh," i place the toot in her mouth. "It's okay sweetie."

Spencer looks back for a second while we're at a red light.

"You'd be a great mom, Em. You should so have kids."

I gave a her 'you're stupid' look, but it's hard because she's Spencer.

She scoffed. "Adoption. Sperm donors..." She made a turn. "There's endless options!"

I guess there is. But am I ready for kids?

"We're here. Pick a baby to carry." Spencer says, already out of the parked and out of the car.

"Spence! We're at a hospital! They could get sick so easily. I'll stay here with them for a while and I'll text you if I need you or so,some to come down." I felt pretty smart.

I didn't want to miss Mona's birth, but the girls might think I only want to watch for my own reasons. Which I don't.

"You're sure?"

"Mhm." I hop in the back seat.

"Okay, I'll text you and keep you updated." Spencer says before shutting the door tight and running to the hospital entrance.

Spencer's POV

"Hi, I'm looking for Mona Vanderwaal? She's pregnant." The nurse at the desk gives me a weird look.

" are you." She chuckles. "Are you immediate family, hun?"

I nod swiftly as I look around. I'm scared someone followed us here.

"Room 588, to your left. Third floor." She hands me a sticker that says:

I stick it on my coat and run to Mona's room. When I get there her mom is there with Hanna, and her mom is crying.

"Hey." I say softly, but not too loud.

Hanna stands up fast. "Hallway."

We shut the door behind up quietly. "How is she?"

"Her moms devastated. She never even told her. As for Mona, her contractions aren't close enough to start pushing. And Aria's getting food from the vending machine." She points down the hall, and Aria waves.

"Emily's in the car with the babies. She didn't want to risk them getting sick, which is a good plan. I'm just worried about her being a car..with two babies."

"Tell her to get her ass up here!" Hanna starts walking past me.

"Hanna! Where are you going?! Wait, Hanna!"

"I'm going to get her, A probably knows she's alone!" She has a point.

I text Emily: Hanna's coming to get the babies, get your butt up here.

Hanna comes running back five minutes later. She looks at me with panic and says

"She's not in the car..."

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