Chapter Three

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"Come on! We have to keep running!" Kendahl whisper yelled to her partner. "Do you want the careers to find us?" Brandon huffed, catching up to Kendahl.

"How are you so sure they aren't here?" Kendahl sighed.

"I'm not." Brandon rolled his eyes, and followed Kendahl as she started running again. 

"What did you get from the Cornucopia?" he asked as they continued on. 

"Well I grabbed a tarp, but it can be used as a blanket, too. And I grabbed some matches, and a flask. What about you?"

"I managed to snatch a satchel of berries and traps." Kendahl smiled, feeling better now. They continued their journey to the fall section of the games to hideout, hoping they wouldn't run into the careers.

A good distance away, the tributes of District Seven, brother and sister, are also hiding. They've managed to make a shelter in an under ground fox hole, hidden by leaves, twigs, and other things of the like. It was much warmer down there, as well. Karalyn was down in the fox hole, waiting for her brother to get back. When he did, she made sure to pay attention, in case it may have been an intruder. She was glad to see that it wasn't, and that it was just Rhett. "You won't believe what I've found!" he says in excitement. Pulling out the tiny round objects in his pocket, his smile grows wider.

"Oh my gosh!" his sister squeals. They were bombs; special bombs, in fact. These were what her brother Rhett had been inventing in the training arena. They were special, and only he knew how to activate them. 

"I found them on the lines of autumn and spring," he explained. "I can't believe they actually put them in!"

"I know! This is definitely a good sign. And if anyone else finds them, they won't even know how to use them!" They definitely felt like they had an advantage.

"Oh! And I snagged this, on the way," he tosses his sister a special dagger. "Careful! I think the tip is poisoned. I tested it on some sort of animal."

"Ooh, dangerous," she laughed. "Let's see how we can handle ourselves now." Rhett laughed, joining her at the far end of the fox hole. 

"We better start digging with some of these sticks if we're gonna be here a while," he suggested. "Might get cramped." Karalyn agreed, and started to dig with him. 

Soon, it was nightfall, and the careers were planning their attack. They grabbed their weapons, leaving District Two behind, in charge of watching their camp spot. Savannah, Carlos, Niall, and Annie set out to find some of the other tributes. "Don't make any noise," Savannah hissed. A few hours into their hunt, they haven't found anyone.

"I wish there were some sort of sign!" Annie complained. Just then, blazing bright red fireworks shot up into the sky a short distance away. The careers raced after the explosion. 

"Come on!" Carlos encouraged them. They took off running, more fireworks following. It seemed to be marking the trail of someone, or something, because it kept moving. Sure enough, soon the fireworks were right above them, and three tributes are found, caught like deer in headlights. 

"Get them!" Savannah yelled. Annie whipped out her gun and shot two darts into the District Nine girl, Carlos and Niall going after the boy. Savannah ran after the girl from Ten, leaving the others behind. Annie approached the girl she had shot slowly, watching her carefully. Good thing, too, because the girl wasn't dead yet, and she threw a knife in Annie's direction. Annie jumped out of the way just in time for the knife to barely graze her leg.

"Ah!" she hissed as the District Nine girl fell to the earth with a thud. Annie, grasping where the knife had struck her, bent over the girl. "I'll take my darts back," she growled, ripping them out of the girl. Only half of the poison was used, so they were still good. She turned around to witness Niall chop the head off of Liam, the boy from Nine.

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