Chapter Nine

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There were only ten tributes left in the games.  Now, it was the quad alliance versus the careers. Soon, one team would most likely be left standing, and then, they knew what would happen. The Capital would force the to turn on one another, and the people they've seen as their allies soon become their worst enemies. Of course everyone knew that was what was going to happen, but that didn't stop them from making their alliance as strong as possible to make sure that they survive in any means necessary. If your alliance goes down, you go down. You want to make sure that doesn't happen.

The careers lie flat on their backs, completely thrown off and disoriented from what had just happened. "What the hell!" Savannah screamed. "I can't see a goddamn thing!" 

"We have to get out of here or we'll be burned alive!" Carlos yelled. All of their supplies were gone, but some of their weapons had survived. "Jake, come on!" he hurries.

"What about me?" Savannah shouts.

"Get out of the way!" Jake shoves her from being crushed by a burning tree. "We can't leave her if she can't see!" Carlos groans, and reluctantly helps Jake drag Savannah out of the woods. 

As the careers reached the edge of the spring sector where it crosses into the summer, they were thrown back, twenty feet, by a force field. "What the hell was that?" Savannah groans, grabbing her head. The fire was spreading like crazy, and catching up fast. Just then, an announcement came on from the game maker, Alex.

"Tributes, my terrible apologies for the call at such a late time," he starts. "But it is my unfortunate pleasure to announce that starting now, only the Cornucopia and Winter section will be of access to all remaining tributes. You must retreat to the winter sector now, by crossing through the Cornucopia. When you reach there, you must find your tent. You will find a surprise awaiting you. However, if your tent is not claimed by morning, you will never have a chance of retrieving it. Good luck, and may the odds, be ever in your favor." His laugh echoes through the mic and rings through the arena.

"What now?" Kendahl gasps from the Cornucopia. "They'll be coming, and there's no doubt in my mind that they'll come after us."

"Not if they don't see us..." Ashton stands. "You have that tarp, don't you?" she nods, gesturing to her backpack. "Princess, come here a minute." Karalyn side glares at him, crawling over to where he is.

"Will you stop calling me that?" she grumbles.

"Only when you stop acting like that," he smirks. "Get inside this box." Karalyn climbs in after Ashton empties it, and he seals her inside. "Rhett, over here." Ashton directs the others where to go, and covers Kendahl with the tarp. He and Luke are hidden, but ready to strike in case the careers make a pit stop. It was unlikely that they would, since they only had a few hours to find their tent, and they were injured by the fire.

They wait it out, and soon, the careers come into view. They make their way through the Cornucopia quick and easy like. Well, as quick as they can, which isn't all that quick, to be honest. They're limping, and Savannah is being led around like she's suddenly gone blind. Maybe she has. That would be a plus for the quad alliance. When the coast was clear, Ashton let everyone out, and they gathered their belongings. "Let's move out," he suggested.

"Who put you in charge?" Karalyn asks, challenging him. He pretends to gasp.

"Oh I'm sorry! I forgot, the princess calls the shots. How silly of me. May we proceed?" he asks her. Angrily, she brushes past him in a huff. Rhett carries Kendahl on his back as they make their way through the winter section. The deeper they venture, the colder it gets. 

"How will we know what this tent looks like?" Luke asks after a few hours. 

"Not sure, but if I had to guess.." Rhett starts. "It'd look like that." He points in the distance to a small cream colored tent. As they approach it, it has a circle divided into four parts, each with their district number in a part. 

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